'If Mitt Romney Isn't the Republican Nominee it Won't be Because of Giuliani, Thompson or McCain, but Another Candidate Named Joseph Smith,' Declares Documentary Producer

November 09, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
Having spent a year traveling across the country examining the history of the Mormon Church and its founder Joseph Smith, candidate Mitt Romney and the views of millions of Americans, documentary film producer Adam Christing is convinced that the main person standing between Romney and the GOP nomination is none other than Joseph Smith, himself a candidate for President in 1844.

"Let's be honest. Mitt Romney is a superb Presidential candidate on virtually every level. He would be a shoe-in as the Republican nominee, except for one fact: He's a Mormon," noted Christing who will screen his film, "A Mormon President" the controversial documentary about the Mormon Quest for the White House in the "Mecca" of Mormonism, Salt Lake City on December 12th.

The first screening is at "Brewvies", a cinema pub in Salt Lake City, but it may not be the beer on tap that generates the waves in Salt Lake City.

After months of filming across the U.S, producer/director Adam Christing is convinced that millions of Americans have an "anti-Mormon" bias. Though not a member of the Mormon Church himself, Christing is a member of the Mormon History Association and interviewed top scholars about Mormonism and politics, including acclaimed Joseph Smith biographer, Richard Bushman, and Roger Launius of the Smithsonian Institution.

"If Romney doesn't get the Republican nomination it won't be because of Rudy Giuliani, it will be because of another Presidential candidate", says Christing. But the filmmaker is not talking about Hillary, Obama, or Fred Thompson. According to Christing, the man who may be hurting Romney's bid for the White House the most is the Mormon Prophet himself, Joseph mith.

"Giuliani has skeletons in his closet, but Mitt Romney has petrified skeletons in his", commented the director. "Joseph Smith ran for President in 1844. His polygamy, teaching about many Gods, and political ambitions led to his assassination by an angry mob."

Christing thinks that millions of Evangelical voters will not be able to separate Mitt the man from Mitt the Mormon.

Following the screening in Salt Lake City, Christing will host a lively panel discussion with scholars, members of the LDS Church and critics of Romney's faith. A trailer of the documentary can be viewed at www.amormonpresident.com.

To RSVP for a screening or schedule an interview with Adam Christing,
please contact Lisa Marie Franco at 310-478-8700 or via email at Lisa @ creekparkpictures.com