Online Ordering Of Forklift Training Products Now Available

July 14, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News

North America's Leader In Mobile Equipment Training Solutions is pleased to announce online ordering of their training materials, products and training aids. With their user-friendly secure ordering system, both new and existing customers can now place orders at any time.

Customers still have the option of downloading an IVES Order Form and faxing in their order or phoning in their order via the toll-free phone number (800) 643-1144. IVES feels that their new online ordering will become the preferred method as more customers become familiar with using the Internet.

IVES Training Group offers a complete line of operator training materials, operator re-certification materials, instructor manuals, instructor training guides and riggers handbooks. Training aids include overhead transparencies, safety training videos, stability pyramid, forklift models and safety posters, signs and stickers.

Recently introduced were the Instructor Power Pack and Instructor Re-certification Power Pack. These were developed specifically for instructors of counterbalanced, narrow aisle and rough terrain forklifts and the powered pallet truck and contain all the tools you need to effectively and efficiently certify your forklift operators.

IVES also offers open-enrollment training programs for forklift instructors and operators, aerial lift instructors, loader instructors and mobile crane instructors. These programs are held at various locations with registration being taken on a first-come basis. The program calendar can be viewed at

Custom on-site training programs are also offered. Using your equipment, a custom training program will teach your trainees all they need to know about your specific equipment and the site-specific conditions encountered at your work place.

Site-specific audits and recommendations are also offered to assist your company in identifying many of the hazards associated with powered mobile equipment operations and in determining practical solutions to address them.

For more information visit or call IVES at (800) 643-1144.