Launches New Website to Provide Comprehensive Online Guide to Cigars

July 15, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News recently announced the launch of a new website,, which provides comprehensive information about cigar smoking, Cuban cigars, discount cigars, humidors, lighters, boxes, and other related products.

According to, cigars have enjoyed increasing mainstream popularity in recent years. This can largely be attributed to the success of magazines like “Cigar Afficionado,” whose cover often showcases celebrities enjoying their favorite cigars. In addition to the cigars, such attention has increased sales of certain accessories, such as humidors.

As a result of this increased attention, recognized a need to answer questions about cigars and related products available both on and offline, and responded to this demand by creating a comprehensive online guide to cigars.

According to, cigar smokers still long for Cuban cigars. Long revered as the best tasting cigars in the world, Cuban cigars have traditionally been extremely difficult to procure due to the US trade embargo with Cuba. Among other topics, details Americans’ efforts to purchase these highly desirable cigars.

The new website provides detailed explanations of cigar smoking and Cuban cigars, as well as advice on where to find discounted cigars. In addition, provides information on certain cigar accessories, such as humidors, boxes, and lighters. will be constantly updated about cigars to help educate readers about what products might be best for them.

Cigars provides comprehensive information on cigar smoking, Cuban cigars, discount cigars, humidors, lighters, boxes, and more. For more information go to and/or visit its sister site at for related information.