Localisation Firm Changes Name to Conversis Ltd - New Name to Support Global Expansion Strategy

July 24, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
Oxford Conversis, a UK-based localisation and translation company, has changed its name to Conversis, Ltd. According to Gary Muddyman, chief executive officer, the new name is part of a strategic initiative to expand the company's operations and brand awareness globally.

"Although our roots are in the U.K., we also serve clients in North America, Europe and other countries, including many companies that have no presence in the U.K. whatsoever," Muddyman said. "Because the word 'Oxford' is so strongly associated with England and our goal is to position Conversis as a global, rather than a regional brand, we decided to eliminate 'Oxford' from our corporate identity."

Currently, Conversis provides translation and localisation services for a variety of market sectors, including global financial services, hardware and software manufacturers, games publishers, eLearning and educational providers, medical and pharmaceutical companies, automotive manufacturers, and the telecom industry.

Muddyman said that Conversis will continue to develop a broader range of service divisions:

"Our objective is to support our localisation and translation services with a growing number of programs that address the business and cultural issues that are equally important to consider — and manage — when companies are entering foreign markets. Many companies provide excellent translation services, but very few have the ability to match language and technology skills with the business expertise clients need to minimise their risk and maximise return when adapting existing programs to foreign environments. Our goal is to combine business and cultural acumen with high-quality translations to provide clients with a completely turnkey localisation service."

About Oxford Conversis
Founded in 2003, Conversis is based in the United Kingdom. Conversis is a leading provider in the Localisation, Translation and Interpretation (LTI) market, tailoring its professional services to each company's international business needs. The company delivers translation and localisation projects across a wide range of markets, including financial services, IT hardware and software manufacturing, games publishers, eLearning providers, medical and pharmaceutical companies, automotive manufacturing and telecom companies.

Web Site: http://www.conversisglobal.com

Contact: Conversis Limited, Tel: +44 (0) 845 450 0805