Reveals the Increased Popularity of Cigars

July 27, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
According to, cigars have long possessed a much more sophisticated persona. Though they have often been portrayed as accessories of the rich and powerful in years past, cigars have seen a much broader degree of mainstream popularity recently. Magazines like Cigar Aficionado extol the joys of cigar smoking, and the whole array of elegant humidors (used for storage,) boxes, lighters and other related products available to cigar smokers exude a distinctive style or persona.

Despite a remaining stigma regarding their legality, Cuban cigars still count themselves among the most highly regarded and sought after brands. Due to their superior taste and quality, and also because of the geographical obstacles to obtaining them, they have traditionally been difficult to buy and very expensive once located.

The increased availability of discount prices on premium brand cigars has also contributed to the rise in popularity of cigars and cigar smoking. Online merchants such as Payless-cigars offer many high quality brands at prices much lower than those found in traditional stores. Plus, they can be shipped to your doorstep quickly, cheaply and anonymously. also tells us that, with all the other cigar accessories available for purchase, cigars have become big business in the States in recent years. In fact, since the early 1990s sales for cigars and cigar products have risen to heights previously unseen. Due in part to their popularity among celebrities, cigar smoking has taken on a hip, youthful image that elevates smoking cigars from a simple recreational hobby, to an integral part of a luxurious lifestyle.

Cigars provides comprehensive information on cigar smoking, Cuban cigars, discount cigars, humidors, lighters, boxes, and more. For more information go to and/or visit its sister site at for related information.