Music CDs from iTunes Data

August 01, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Tunes Menu is an easy to use menu-based CD search program for Mac OS X. The program adds a menu to the system menubar which allows rapid on-line searching for the best prices on CDs at selected local, country-specific, stores. To use Tunes Menu you simply select a song in iTunes, go to Tunes Menu and click 'Copy and Find'. Tunes Menu will then search local suppliers for the best price and report any fndings via the menu. To purchase the CD you simply click on the store name in the menu and the store website will open in your default browser.

Tunes Menu works by taking a copy of the album and artist details from iTunes (either the playlist or the iTunes Music Store) and then searching a range of online stores specific for the region of the user. At present Tunes Menu will search stores in the United States (Amazon US, CDUniverse, CD WOW! and SecondSpin); United Kingdom (101cd, Amazon UK, CD WOW!, Kelkoo and WHSmiths); Australia (CD WOW!, dStore, ozcdshop and TopShop); Germany (Amazon and CD WOW!); Ireland (CD WOW!); Netherands (CD WOW!); Norway (CD WOW!), Sweden (CD WOW!); and Hong Kong (CD WOW!). For European countries not listed above Tunes Menu will default to Amazon (Germany) and CD WOW! (Europe), and if no local stores are available the program will default to Amazon (US).

About Nick and CCSoftware:
CCSoftware is a small company that writes software for Mac OS X. The company was founded in 2001 by Nick and is based in the UK. The company has a basic programming philosphy - it looks for simple solutions to complicated problems. In addition to Tunes Menu the company also produces iCalMaker (text-based iCal file editor), mailMaker, Power on X (a statistical power calculator), Web Photos (easy production of on-line web-based photo-albums), and a series of 'drag-and-drop' utilities including webSiteCleaner (slims down bloated html files), JPEGCleaner (slims down bloated JPEG files and prepares them for mailing), and quickWebAlbum (rapid on-line photo-album creation tool).

Contact Information:
CCSoftware, PO Box 18,
Beverly Hills
Call: 781 391 2012
E-mail: e-mail protected from spam bots