DevPlanner Helps Web Developer Earning Additional 50$

August 19, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
"For a year of my professional career I just now found a way to realize additional profit and the only reason is personal planning with DevPlanner", - said Anna Zayda, professional web developer from

DevPlanner already two years on the market and continue helping developers organize their daily work. One of the benefits of using DevPlanner is possibility to define and estimate all possible tasks. But only most important and profitable tasks can be placed to a daily schedule. This simple rule helps Anna Zaida, as well as many other software and web developers around the world who used DevPlanner, earning more.

"I'll tell You a secret: usually I have a lot of non-profitable daily work, with DevPlanner I can concentrate only on needs of my customers. Last month I understood what I can develop more while reducing time on unimportant and usually not required tasks. I take an additional work what increases my income on 50 bucks." – concludes Anna.

Anna Zaida can be reached at or via email

DevPlanner is a shareware program and available for 30 days free at or Registered version costs 43 US dollars. Also for educational trainings available free licenses, additional details can be found at