Smart About Sales offers new CRM Software Comparison Tool: Businesses Get Relief From CRM Software Selection Headache

February 13, 2009 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Smart About Sales, Inc. announces the release of its Free CRM Software Comparison Tool. The tool is based on a survey of over 80 CRM Software Companies who were asked to map their products to a pre-defined and common set of features. Users select the features they want and learn which CRM software meets their requirements. Buyers can also use the tool to help them define their priorities for CRM Software functionality.

Analyst firms estimate the sales of CRM Software to have been between $8 and $14Billion for 2007. Furthermore, sales are expected to increase by as much as $1Billion each year (2008 numbers are not out). Small businesses are expected to account for an ever growing segment of the market. Large Corporations have small armies of IT professionals to research, evaluate, test, and implement software. How can small businesses afford the resources necessary to evaluate and deploy CRM Software?

Until now, small and medium sized business owners had only two choices; spend a great deal of time researching their countless options or rely on word-of-mouth and vendor representatives to narrow their purchase options to a manageable number.

Nancy Shawver, President of Smart About Sales states "The problem with the later approach, is that companies have vastly different needs from each other. What your colleague at Widget, Inc. deployed is likely not the right solution for you. And Vendors aren't objective." That leaves only one choice – invest a great deal of time researching your every option.

Smaller businesses especially, need to closely examine the trade-offs between functionality and price. Unfortunately, CRM Software companies don't use the same terminology as each other and therefore comparison becomes nearly impossible. This is why past "comparison" tools have been of questionable value. Without the ability to quickly and easily compare and contrast options, companies risk overlooking the very solutions that best meet their needs.

Industry estimates are that 60%-80% of CRM implementations fail. Adds Shawver, "If buyers start their CRM software evaluation with the right short-list of products, then that should ultimately increase their chance of success. In the end, both buyers and sellers of CRM Software will benefit".

About Smart About Sales, Inc:
Smart About Sales, Inc helps buyers of CRM Software make the right CRM purchase decision. The website offers the free CRM Software Comparison Tool so that comparing software packages and prioritizing functionality can be both easy and painless.
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