ArtJen Complexus Releases a New Weapon in the War on Obesity

October 04, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
ArtJen Complexus Holdings Corp. of Windsor, ON Canada has recently released a new approach to battling obesity. Data presented at the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association in June of 2005 demonstrated that their all natural fat binding fiber can work without a change in diet or lifestyle and without side effects.
Two-thirds of adult Americans are either overweight or obese. Obesity can take years off of your life and the younger you are the more years you lose according to researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Complications from obesity are now well known and include increased risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated lipids, arthritis, cancer, sleep apnoea, heart disease and stroke. Weight loss and the prevention of type 2 diabetes go hand in hand.
Invented by two professors from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, this food supplement when taken as directed effectively removes 500 kcal per day from the typical American diet. Dr. Joseph Artiss, one of the two inventors said “It’s a Fat Binding Complexer, so we called it FBCx.” “FBCx converts nine times its own weight in dietary fat to a non-digestible complex that just passes through without unwanted side effects.”
When Dr. George Grunberger founded his diabetes institute in 2002 one of his stated goals was to bring new treatments to his patients with diabetes. After a long career in research with the National Institutes of Health, Wayne State University and the Detroit Medical Center he has introduced this exciting new technology to his practise, located at 43494 Woodward Avenue in Bloomfield Hills, MI. Dr. Grunberger was introduced to FBCx when asked to study the effects of FBCx on his patients in a double blind placebo controlled trial. In June of 2005 the peer reviewed results of the study were presented at the American Diabetes Association annual meeting in San Diego. Additional study data is scheduled for release at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity meeting in Vancouver BC in mid October.
Study results demonstrated that FBCx was effective in reducing and/or preventing an increase in body weight in obese patients with type 2 diabetes. It was also shown to be effective in reducing blood cholesterol levels in patients with elevated lipids.
Dr. Grunberger states that: “About 90% of people with type 2 diabetes are obese and obesity is the number two preventable cause of death in the US.” Before FBCx, “There was no known effective way to keep weight off.”
Dr. Catherine Jen co-inventor of FBCx states: “This is an all natural soluble fiber derived from corn. A single 1-gram tablet binds and removes nine grams of fat from the diet. Six tablets taken with meals are sufficient to cause a decrease in body weight of 1-1½ pounds per week.” Artiss adds that ArtJen has received their first US patent and FDA allowance to sell FBCx in the US.
More information and product availability can be found at ArtJen’s informative website or contact ArtJen by e-mail ###