THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN FAMILY'S GUIDE TO TRACING OUR ROOTS Healing, Understanding, & Restoring Our Families

October 08, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
Healing, Understanding, & Restoring Our Families

THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN FAMILY'S GUIDE TO TRACING OUR ROOTS: Healing, Understanding, & Restoring Our Families by Roland Barksdale-Hall (ISBN# 0-9749779-7-7 / $14.95 / Trade Paperback / 246 pages / Amber Books)

THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN FAMILY'S GUIDE TO TRACING OUR ROOTS is for every African American who has ever thought about researching their family history! Award-winning historian Roland Barksdale-Hall will help us rethink past events, explore vital health matters, and better understand our families, increase our level of awareness about cultural and historical identities and develop better understanding of the events, which help to shape our families' values, beliefs, and attitudes.

Roland Barksdale-Hall, MLS, MLLS, MA, founder of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society (AAHGS) of Pittsburgh has been researching the black family for more than 25 years. In 2004 he hosted a three-day healing family gathering, entitled "The Restoration of the Family." Mr. Barksdale-Hall's research resulted in the Millennium Family Reunion, held in Detroit, bringing together more than 300 African Americans.

According to Mr. Barksdale-Hall, "Gaining knowledge is the first step in restoration."

THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN FAMILY'S GUIDE TO TRACING OUR ROOTS IS BREATHTAKING as it guides us through the delicate lessons of knowing…knowing the good, and the not so good of Black America's rich history."
- Janis F. Kearney, former Diarist for President Bill Clinton
Author, Cotton Field of Dreams: A Memoir

The book discusses a TWELVE-STEP PLAN TO HEALTH, WEALTH, AND SUCCESS, including: Bonding to healthy communities; Getting our dollars to work; Rapping with our elders; Knowing our history and Rethinking our past; Taking a calculated risk; Pursuing our passion and Birthing a vision.

For further information or orders contact: Amber Communications Group, Inc. TOLL FREE: 1-866-566-3144 or email: Bookstores and libraries, please contact Amber Communications Group, Inc. directly or your wholesaler /distributor for ordering.

For interviews, speaking engagements or booksignings, email: Mr. Roland Barksdale-Hall at Visit WWW.AMBERBOOKS.COM to see the complete ACGI collection.

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