C J Express Release The New Online Booking System

November 05, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
For any one who has ordered within the past, waiting in line for a fax machine or phoning in and confirming orders can be a frustrating part of arranging pickups. However, thanks to the creation of a secure online-ordering system on the CJE Web site, this year everybody will experience technological improvements previously unavailable.
The system is designed to allow users to arrange their pickups in a manner that is both efficient and uncomplicated.

“The goals are focused on the user,” said Nick Carter, Managing Director at CJE. “[The goal is] to make the policy as streamlined as possible.”
As mentioned in the last issue of Express News this online booking, tracking and proof of delivery system is one step further for CJ Express becoming the first fully interactive logistics service in its class.The new system streamlines the ordering process, saving time and enabling faster delivery of orders. As proofing is performed during the ordering process, the time it takes to process a request is greatly reduced. Gone are the days of making a request and then waiting for a proof to check and approve or make changes. This procedure can now be done in one complete manoeuvre