Life-Like Teeth Whitening Helps Patients Find Love

March 12, 2015 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
March 12, 2015 - In February, most patients think about making themselves look better for their partner or significant other. Dental practices may see an increase in teeth whitening requests, but why should February be the only month to get all the love – aren't people in relationships all year round? Here are just some of the ways that whiter teeth can help patients find love and so much more:

A Great Smile Builds Trust: Trust is an important factor in any relationship, and a nice smile can go a long way towards building trust. According to the "Behind the Smile" perception study, 73% of the Americans surveyed said that they would be more likely to trust someone with a nice smile than someone with a good job, great outfit, or nice car. Help your patients understand the importance of dental whitening is building trust.

A Smile Says More Than Words Ever Can: Many people get tongue-tied when meeting someone new, but a bright smile can help overcome that nervousness. According to a survey conducted on behalf of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 48% of the adults surveyed think that a smile is the most memorable feature when meeting someone for the first time – more powerful even than the spoken word, which only impressed 25% of the respondents. Interest your patients in using a professional or at-home teeth whitener, and you can help give them the confidence they need in their relationships.

Smiles Work at Any Age: The old adage says that "you're never too old to fall in love," so don't let patients think that they're too old for your tooth whitening services. The AACD also found out 45% of Americans believe a smile is the most attractive feature, no matter how old somebody is. Maintaining a great appearance can be the key to romance at any age.

Laughter Makes The Heart Grow Fond: One of the traits many people say they are looking for in a mate is a good sense of humor. But, when people are embarrassed by yellow or stained teeth, they may not be willing to let their true colors come shining through. Life-Like teeth bleaching kits can help bring a little more fun into your patients' lives.

Life-Like Cosmetic Solutions provides a full range of marketing materials that cosmetic dentists can use to remind patients of the benefits of teeth bleaching for romance and so much more. Our dental supplies are satisfaction guaranteed and come with the industry's only 100% money-back guarantee. Did you know that Life-Like offers dentists educational, informative blog and newsletter content at no cost each and every month?

About Life-Like: Life-Like Cosmetic Solutions provides dental products for professional teeth whitening. The company offers professional whitening kits for in-office use and teeth bleaching kits for patient follow-up care at home. Visit the website at to learn how cosmetic dentists can receive educational, informative blog and newsletter content at no cost. "Like" the Facebook page to receive regular tips on dental whitening products. Call 800-543-3545 for more information about increasing patient awareness regarding teeth bleaching.

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