.Pro Domain Registry Slashes Prices for Lawyers. 75% Discount Expires March 31, 2006.

February 09, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
WOBURN, Mass., –EnCirca, Inc (http://www.encirca.pro ), today announced a special registry promotion in the .pro domain extension. .Pro is the top level domain designed for licensed professionals. EnCirca is offering .pro domains for $49/year exclusively to licensed lawyers, engineers, doctors and accountants. The special pricing is a reduction of 75 percent from the typical $199 annual fee required to secure these domains. This special registry promotion will expire on March 31, 2006.

Examples of professional service firms who have branded themselves with .pro domain names include: may.cpa.pro/ , georgia.law.pro/ and aed.eng.pro (for more examples, see showcase.pro).

“.Pro is a natural and intuitive internet address for licensed professionals”, says Tom Barrett, President of EnCirca. “The .pro extension reinforces the key message most businesspeople would like to send about their business. But still, adopting a new domain extension for an internet address is not a casual decision for anyone to make. Fortunately, as shown at showcase.pro, many lawyers, engineers, accountants and doctors led the way in 2005 and have already adopted .pro as their permanent brand identity.”

The .pro extension makes it possible for lawyers, engineers, and other professionals to reserve more memorable and relevant Web addresses and search engine keywords. The .pro extension is available in two flavors: “profession-specific”, such as patent.law.pro and “generic”, such as patent.pro . The profession-specific flavor is exclusive to licensed professionals in law, engineering, accounting and medicine with more professions expected to be supported in 2006. Possible future professions include:
• architects
• financial planners
• dentists
• educators
• insurance agents
• nurses
• optometrists
• pharmacists
• podiatrists
• psychologists
• real estate brokers
• veterinarians

EnCirca also offers generic domains such as investmentfraud.pro for just $99/year. Many professional service firms are registering both types of .pro domains: one for their corporate identity, such as aed.eng.pro , and one to boost search engine rankings, such as advanced.pro.

“Search engine rankings from Google and Yahoo reward domain names that contain keywords being searched.” says Barrett. “With the .pro domain, these firms can get a memorable Web address, like allergy.pro , that will boost their search engine ranking.”

As easy-to-recall .com designations have disappeared, the alternative has been either longer, more awkward .com second-level domain names or less desirable top-level domains such as .net, .biz, and .info. The .pro domain solves this dilemma and provides a clear branding advantage for licensed professionals.

About EnCirca
EnCirca is an ICANN-accredited registrar founded in 2001 and is the leading ICANN registrar for the .pro domain, operated by RegistryPro, an ICANN registry exclusively for professionals who wish to brand and promote themselves on the Internet. EnCirca’s registry promotion of $49/year applies to the profession-specific domains of law.pro, bar.pro, jur.pro, eng.pro, cpa.pro, aca.pro and med.pro and will end at midnight on March 31, 2006. For more information, please visit www.encirca.pro