New York artist tells how she achieved high ranking on Google for Abstract Art.

February 24, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
If you search on Google for the term “abstract art,” Lynne Taetzsch's website will be the first single artist's site that shows up out of over 90 million entries. This is a coveted position to be in, and Lynne has been working on it since she started her website eight years ago.

Lynne named her site Artbylt.Com (art by L.T.) because she thought people would have a lot of trouble spelling and pronouncing her last name. But she is determined to make “Taetzsch” a household word, at least in households that have colorful abstract art hanging on their walls.

How did Lynne manage to get her site ranked so high? “The most important ingredient,” she says, “is to have quality content.” Content, in the case of search engines like Google and Yahoo, means text, not images, though you can find plenty of images of Lynne's work on her site. Lynne is a writer as well as an artist, which helps her produce informative text about the painting process and other art issues.

The first article Lynne added to her website was about understanding abstract art. She felt that some people were intimidated by so-called “modern art” or confused about its value because they couldn't find recognizable subject matter in it. Lynne explains clearly how to look at an abstract painting in order to find its visual and emotional impact.

Another part of Lynne's content that viewers seem to love is a brief autobiography about her development as an artist. When people get to know the person behind the art, it helps them to understand and appreciate it.

Lynne hears from young artists all the time who view her as an inspiration. Art students from grade school to university do reports on her for school projects, and she is happy to help them when they email her with questions.

“Thanks to my website, I've had many interesting contacts from people around the world,” Lynne says. One was a composer in Brazil who is making a video utilizing more than twenty of Lynne's paintings. He will compose music to complement the images. Another, Bob Hogge, was a painter like herself. Several years after they “met” online, Bob is opening a gallery in Chelsea and will include Lynne's work in a group show there this April.

“The internet is all about connections,” Lynne says, “but people have to find you first.” Artbylt.Com's ranking on Google helps everyone interested in abstract art to find her.