Come Up and Lick Mae: Some New Yorkers Are Busting to Have Mae West Celebrated on a Postage Stamp

December 20, 2004 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
In 1893, Mae West was born in Brooklyn and now a group of New Yorkers are driving the effort to have a series of US postal stamps commemorating key stages in her career. "It seems that everybody is still quoting her though no one in the Post Office is taking note of her," said LindaAnn Loschiavo, whose full-length play "Courting Mae West" is based on true events in the life of Miss West when she had been arrested and jailed as a Broadway star during the 1920s. The Hollywood icon died in November 1980, almost 25 years ago.

"Comedy and entertainment are the hallmarks of the popular culture of the United States of America," noted Allison Tilsen, a buxom blonde who has the title role in "Courting Mae West" when it opens onstage at C.U.N.Y. Graduate Center on Wednesday February 9th, the same day and date that Mae West was imprisoned in Jefferson Market Jail in 1927 on an obscenity charge. Accordingly to Tilsen, the U.S. Postal Department has befittingly honored screen legends Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Audrey Hepburn, Cary Grant, Lucille Ball, James Cagney, Alfred Hitchcock, and Humphrey Bogart by issuing commemorative stamps depicting these adults — but we need more female achievement recognized, especially the successes of generously upholstered women.

Loschiavo emphasized that none of the individuals honored in the "Hollywood Legends" postal series had written plays that they had performed in. However, Mae West penned "Diamond Lil" and many other plays that were staged on Broadway. Mae West also wrote her own movie dialogue for most of the nine films she appeared in.

Most importantly, very few actors or actresses can come up to Mae's level for witty one-liners. Her clever sayings are still often quoted in books and newspaper articles to this day.

Actor Karl Malden is a long-time member of the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee, 15 volunteers who meet four times a year to help choose stamp subjects and designs.

To gather signatures of those who favor a US postal stamp commemorating the legendary American talent MAE WEST (1893 - 1980), volunteers will circulate petitions during the month of January when an art exhibition by Michael Di Motta called "Courting Mae West" is on view at The New York Public Library [Jefferson Market branch, 425 Sixth Avenue, second floor]. From January 3rd-30th, 2005, it's free to come up and see Mae — and sign the petition.

For a sample letter, see this URL:

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Here's the address where you can write to nominate Mae West for a postage portrait:
To: Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee,
c/o Stamp Development; U S Postal Service;
1735 North Lynn St [Rm 5013]; Arlington VA 22209-6432.
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