Dr Andrea Ubhi announces launch of the No-Preparation-Veneer

March 26, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
The ‘No-Preparation-Veneer’ has been developed to provide patients with new porcelain laminate veneers without the need for removal of any healthy tooth substance.

Dr Ubhi explains, ‘In normal porcelain veneer cases, a small amount of tooth substance would need to be removed in order for the veneers to be placed. As a dentist I was concerned that more and more people are asking to have veneers placed without realising that tooth preparation is normally involved.’

‘The ‘No-Preparation-Veneer’ system allows porcelain laminate veneers to be placed on the teeth without removing any tooth substance, making it a much more tooth-friendly system. It is particularly suitable for younger people who are wanting cosmetic dentistry yet want to retain the long-term health of their teeth.’

The ‘No-Preparation-Veneer’ system involves many of the same processes as ordinary veneers: a wax-up model is made, enabling the patient to see the proposed treatment, the impressions are taken of the patient and sent to the ceramists in the USA for the veneers to be created, and then the veneers are fitted.

The ‘No-Preparation-Veneers’ are made thicker around the upper gum-line to give the upper lip more support which can ‘plump up’ the lip, and reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles in the mouth area. They are also made slightly longer, so they are great where teeth are short.

‘The ‘No-Preparation-Veneer’ system is a must-have option for all Cosmetic Dentists,’ says Dr Ubhi. ‘It will allow patients to have an improved smile without compromising the future of their teeth.’

The ‘No-Preparation-Veneer’ is available at Dr Ubhi’s practice in York. See http://www.andreaubhi.com for more information.