Christian Meditation CDs Offer Spiritual Growth, Healing, and Peace of Mind

March 29, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
“Get seated in a comfortable chair or position. Now close your eyes. Let the concerns and worries of the coming day dissipate from your mind. This is God’s time and you want to focus all you attention on him,” begins the opening dialogue found in each session of 8 biblically-based meditations entitled, “Christian Meditation and Relaxation.
Jones discovered the benefits of meditation eight years ago, after a severe bout with depression. The devout Christian and petite divorced mother of three said that she was filled with so much pain that it negatively impacted every area of her life. Like many other Christians, Jones struggled with making the promises of God a reality in her life. After many years of suffering, counseling, and pleading with God for deliverance, Jones found her answer in Christian meditation and relaxation techniques.
“By accident one afternoon, Jones stumbled on a practice that started the healing process. “I remember I started to take deep breaths and with each exhalation I would mentally say, I release pain, I release pain, I release pain,” Jones said. “It was like I was pushing all these toxic emotions out of my body. With each breath I felt freer until I had a peace that I hadn’t experience in months.”
Jones believes she is not the only person who has been crippled by these kinds of toxic emotions and uncontrollable thoughts. She likes to use the analogy of a song you hear but just can’t stop playing in your mind. “You might even hate the song and you tell yourself, “okay that’s enough,” but within minutes the song is back,” she said.
So, in an effort to help others release negative thoughts, while simultaneously internalizing the truths of God’s word, “Christian Meditation and Relaxation” was created. The three set of 80 minute CD’s are a mixture of Jones’ soothing voice over angelic and almost tranquilizing music. The CDs give you step-by-step relaxation instructions while at the same time immersing you in scripture and biblical affirmations.
“I begin with a short series of cleansing breaths followed by relaxation of the mind and body. This is followed by a series of scriptures in narrative form that deposit God’s truth and promises in our subconscious mind.” Each session ends by encouraging listeners to spend some time in silence, giving God an opportunity to speak to their hearts.
Jones also debunks the myth that meditation is contrary to God’s Word by creating an overview that provides relevant scriptures and an accurate definition of meditating, as well as its benefits.
She states, “Though many religions of the world have adopted meditation as a form of spiritual enhancement, many Christians shy away from this practice because of its association with Eastern religions. However, meditating on Christ is not only beneficial but also commanded. Psalms chapter 46 verse10 tells us to ‘be still and know that I am God.” Joshua chapter 1 verse 8, admonishes us to meditate on God’s word day and night. Psalms chapter 4: 4 persuades us, “When you are in your beds, search your hearts and be silent.”

"I believe that is was during times of meditation that the disciples and prophets of old received many of their visions and revelations from God. Our greatest inspirations and truths come during times of quietness, stillness, openness, and reflection- all components of meditation.”
According to Jones, “Christian Meditation and Relaxation is not mystical or magical, but contains scriptures, biblically-based affirmations, and relaxation techniques that assists believers in focusing on God’s principles, fine tuning their spiritual listening skills, slowing down, finding more balance in life, establishing priorities, living in the present, and entering into the presence of God. Believers can practice meditation in a form that completely honors God, and will improve their relationship with him as well as strengthen their Christian walk.”
The upcoming release is her first volume that includes: An Overview to Christian Meditation, three meditations titled: Taking Control of your Thought Life; Morning Devotion; and Faith in God for Success and Prosperity; and lastly, An Invitation to Salvation. Volumes Two and Three in the series will be release soon and include additional meditations titled Overcoming Restlessness; Interceding for Loved Ones; Eliminating Stress and Toxic Emotions; and Time Out that encourages believers to turn to Christ to fight their battles.
Jones states she is getting such positive feedback from listeners, and men as well as women who are now incorporating a time for daily meditation into their busy lifestyles. “If Christians cannot control their thoughts, how can they control the course of their lives, “for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Our success in living a victorious Christian life defends solely upon who is winning the battle over our minds,” expresses Jones. “It saddens me because I hear sermon after sermon on how Christians need to renew their minds, but in all honesty, we don’t have a clue on how to effectively do that! And it’s so apparent in our constant struggles.”
She further admonishes listeners not to substitute meditation for other more traditional methods of communicating with God. “The meditation series is not meant to replace prayer and study,” said Jones. “It’s meant to enhance it by making it more fruitful— because the more we can clear out minds from all the clutter of the world— the more we can embrace real truth.”
The cost for each CD is $14.95 and can be purchased by visiting
Volume One, Publication Date: May 2006, ISBN: 0-9641008-3.
A REVIEW/PROMOTIONAL CD and/or photos available upon request.