April 05, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
The saving rates for Americans is at it’s lowest point since the Great Depression. With retirement near, baby boomers are seeking an alternative to retiring in poverty or working to age 75.

It’s expected that 78 million Americans will retire in the next twenty years. But, a lack of savings and poor financial planning have created a baby boomers retirement dilemma. With so little saved up, experts believe these retirees will have to either depend on social security, which is a sad bet for retirement given the state of the finances of the federal government or postpone their retirement until age 75.

One option for baby boomers is a part-time home businesses. By putting in an hour or two during their non-work hours, they can grow their business to a level that supplements their current expenses, supports them upon retirement or supplements their pension or social security.

“I was tired of dipping into my savings and my husband's 401K” says Carolyn McClendon, a 56 year old sales consultant with her website at “everything is so expensive and I still have one child left to send to college. I could see that if I didn't take action, I wouldn't be able to continue to make it. Now, as I see my business grow. I have a real sense of security. I know I can do this”

One popular industry for home businesses is direct selling. From 1994 to 2004, annual direct sales revenue within the United States rose from $16.55 billion to $29.55 billion. The number of people working as direct sales consultants more than doubled to 13 billion. Almost 80% of direct selling companies use a multi-level pay plan, meaning the more associates a person has working under them, the more money they make.

One of the advantages of a home business is that the skills used in the workplace can be successfully transferred to the home business and allow the businessperson to truly be paid what they are worth.

Another advantage is the unlimited earnings potential as more people become associates come under them. Once their income grows to the desired level, depending on the company, the person can retire or semi-retire.

Finally, since there are so many types of products to sell, the company can be chosen based on the passions and hobbies of the seller. “ I love what I do” Carolyn added. “I could probably retire in just a few years, but I know I'll always want to help my fellow baby boomers get out of their retirement dilemma and provide products that deliver real health benefits. We have to help each other.” For more information visit