AristaTek Inc. Announces the Release of PEAC-WMD™ Version 5

January 01, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
As the tragic events of 9/11 so clearly demonstrated, when it comes to the unthinkable, it's no longer a matter of ‘if' but ‘when.'

In late November and early December 2004, Wyoming's AristaTek began shipping the latest version of its PEAC-WMD™ software — an innovative and reliable application that provides first responders with an invaluable source for the information and precise calculations needed to protect themselves and the public in times of crisis.

Located in Laramie, AristaTek is just one of America's many small businesses working to provide civilian and military responders with the most advanced technologies for their critical mission of protecting the American Homeland. However, no single product or technology is the answer. Instead, the best and only solution is found in a mosaic of proven and cutting-edge technologies that prepare first responders to go in harm's way when the disaster strikes. Enter PEAC-WMD — a relatively small but highly important and integral piece in that critical mosaic safeguarding the nation.

PEAC-WMD is quickly becoming standard-issue equipment for first responders and others who one day may be forced to deal with hazardous materials or weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Besides being relied upon by police and fire departments in every state in the nation, this software is currently being employed in numerous foreign countries and is also playing a key role in protecting U.S. troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In fact, the new version of PEAC-WMD was shipped to the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne as the division was preparing to be re-stationed to Iraq. The 82nd had successfully used the original version of the application during previous missions — finding it indispensable in the field — and was eager to get the updated version to carry into future hazardous situations.

Outgoing Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge may have said it best in October 2004:

"Our mission is to lead the unified national effort to secure America. Notice it is not to lead the federal effort; Washington, D.C., alone cannot secure the homeland. When federal state, local, and private sector partners work together, we defend our homeland best.

"Today, we have awarded more than $8.5 billion dollars for our state and local partners across the country. All across the nation, this money funds much-needed equipment purchases and training — all critical assets that help our first responders on the frontlines perform their duties quickly and safely at any emergency scene."

Ridge's commitment to local involvement brings the fight for homeland security right to the very doorsteps of America's public works officials. "The federal government must protect lives — and our way of life — but so must governors, mayors, county officials, law enforcement, fire fighters, business leaders, schools, hospitals, and every home and individual." (Public Works, November 2004)

PEAC-WMD gives these officials the tool to do just that. PEAC-WMD: Safeguarding our way of life.

For more information on the PEAC-WMD™ tool call 1-877-912-2200, email at or visit