Starting Over is Not Easy

May 05, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Dr. West will be signing over 1800 pre-ordered books at a 1st Class Book Release Celebration, Friday, May 5, 2006 beginning at 7pm. The celebration will take place at 5725 Queenston Blvd.

Everyone occasionally arrives or knows someone who has arrived at desolate places in the heart, crushed in spirit or just drained from the pressures of life. Not to mention all of the catastrophic devastations that have taken place in the USA alone (9-11. Katrina, Rita, etc.), this book affords countless readers encouragement and inspiration that they too can keep pressing forward—-not just running on empty—-despite the weight of their cares. "There are people in prison who's past is always brought up before them and they wonder whether they too can start over. Yes….you can," says West.

Dr. West is the Pastor/Founder of The Church Without Walls in Houston, TX. He is known worldwide as the “Story-Teller” for his fascinating preaching style, which is imaginative, exciting, sometimes radical, but always profound. His messages offer hope, encouragement and a better way of life that appeals to youth, adults as well as the unchurched.

West lectured at the Interdenominational Theological Center at Morehouse School of Religion, Atlanta, Georgia; Baylor College, Waco Texas; and Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey. He was inducted into the Martin Luther King, Jr., Board of Preachers as a “Distinguished Preacher”, Morehouse College, Atlanta Georgia and received the Texas Youth Commission’s “Outstanding Contribution to Youth” Award. West has given financial contributions and support to the City of Houston, Institutions of Higher Learning, Organizations and other Charitable Programs.

Call today to schedule an interview with Dr. West.