Solihull Back Pain Clinic Osteopath and Physiotherapist reviews Facet Joint involvement in muscle spasm and low back pain

June 14, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
Solihull Back Pain Clinic for Back Pain in Solihull

Low Back Pain and Lumbar Facet Joints

What are the facet (zygapophysial) joints?

The facet joints are synovial joints which help support the weight and control movement between individual vertebrae of the spine.

The facet joints work together alongside the intervertebral discs to form a functioning working unit. The facet joints direct the plane of motion at each vertebral segment which is dependant on their angle and orientation.

Throughout the spine the angles and orientations differ which alters the possible movement allowed in that area. The facets have an articular cartilage and articular capsule which allows movement but provide stability.
Facet joints have a nerve supply from two levels, one branch arises from the nerve root at that level and the second from the level above. When functioning correctly, facet joints move freely controlling the movement of the spine.
Facet joint pain may arise directly from the facet joint either from inflammation or nerve impingement.

What are the symptoms?

Common symptoms associated with this condition are adjacent muscle spasms which can pull the patient's spine out of alignment, leading to a guarded posture.

Often patient's will report "i just bent over to tie my shoelaces and my back went and i couldn't move"
The usual acute attacks of back pain involving facet joints occurs suddenly with no warning. It can appear dramatic and patient's are in much discomfort and cannot move very well.

The spasm of adjacent muscles is the human body's way of protecting the area. It tries to prevent you from moving and incurring more damage. Symptoms can vary a great deal and be confused with bulging discs or other disc related disorders as it often referrs pain into the lower extremities.

The traditional facet locking syndrome may lead to an acute attack but can be successfully treated by releasing the offending joint and restoring normal function. This should only be attempted by suitable qualified practitioners following the correct diagnosis. At Solihull Back Pain Clinic our Osteopaths and Physiotherapists can identify this cause of low back pain and muscle spasm and correct it. For examination techniques and prescription home exercises visit