The $1,000 Dream. Using Dream Work To Solve Stressful, Practical Problems

June 20, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Believe it or not, there is a practical side to dream work. In his latest Dream of the Week column, Dr David Jenkins, Ph.D., a Berkeley Dream Analyst, describes how his client used a dream to find $1,000 in checks that had been missing for several days.

Philip had misplaced an envelope containing checks from his customers that added up to close to $1,000. He was about to give up the search and ask everyone to stop their checks but that night he had a dream that lead him directly to the missing checks.

The full story is described at

"This dream solved an urgent, waking life problem." says Jenkins, who offers personal, email and over-the-phone dream consultations. "It is difficult to convince most people that their dreams are worth looking at. But this kind of example is an eye opener that shows the useful side of dream work."

Jenkins says that the practical use of dreams is a byproduct of his work not the main focus. "My main goal is to help people have an enjoyable and stress free dream life. It's not generally realized but perhaps 80% of all dreams contain stressful events."

For readers who have trouble recalling their dreams, one of his earlier columns, (available at describes an innovative method for remembering your dream.

Jenkins publishes a weekly e-column about his dream work and its benefits. You can sign up to receive Dream of the Week at You can also arrange a consulation with Dr. Jenkins about your dreams