It’s a Jungle Out There! Audio Safari has Businesses Going Wild!

August 05, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
What do wild animals have in common with difficult people? You would be surprised! How can the same secrets of psychological survival help professionals handle the hurricanes and tsunamis of today’s a competitive jungle?

Career Track Seminars, a division of Park University has announced the release of “Go Wild—-Survival Skills for Business and Life”, A self-directed learning adventure authored by Rosemary Rein, Ph.D—a former corporate executive who turned in her briefcase for the Costa Rican Rainforest 9 years ago and now lectures internationally on how to apply wilderness survival skills to business and life.

Rein has survived evacuation from volcano eruptions, earthquakes, mud slides and hurricanes and in this self-directed learning series of 4 cd’s— designed for executives and professionals on the go, Ms Rein outlines how survival skills can help businesses not only survive but thrive amidst constantly changing conditions.

Taped amidst the Costa Rican rainforest and packed with information on survival and problem solving skills used by outdoorsman and the U.S. military, Rein outlines how to track new clients, use verbal and non-verbal signals and negotiate with the natives.

In her live seminars and keynote presentations to businesses in the United States and Central America, Rein is unconventional—moving audiences out of their comfort zone which is where she believes “the only real learning takes place”. When she makes a point, audiences shout “HUA” Heard, Understood Acknowledged. In this self-directed audio learning program, Rein also breaks the mold in audio learning. “You just don’t sit back and listen like so many other audio programs——you learn by doing in Rein’s Learning Adventure” which include many multi-sensory learning activities.

For information and Media Interviews/excerpts
Phone: U.S: 239-910-3354