"Crushed" - Frances Lynn's humorous novel about teenage angst.

August 18, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
London, UK (PR Leap) August 18, 2006. Plain twin discovers the shocking truth about her birth. “Crushed” - Frances Lynn's poignant and funny saga of the self-pitying sibling who turns into a star. “Crushed” (ISBN 10: 0-9553672-3-9 ISBN 13: 978-0-9553672-3-6). Hardcover. 250 pp. Size. 210 mm x 149 mm. $ 24.25. Printed on demand. “Crushed” E-book (ISBN10 0-9553672-1-2 ISBN 13 978 0-9553672-1-2) $9.97. illustrated. Fiction. From Eiworth Publishing at http://yourbookstore.eiworth.se/

Frances Lynn used to be a vitriolic gossip columnist in London. Her readers loved it when she attacked egotistical celebrities in print, even though her victims didn't.

Frances Lynn still makes her readers laugh, but she no longer deflates celebrity egos. She has now written her first novel for teenagers. "Crushed" is so funny in an off-beat way that parents will also relate to it. The author's drawings are individual enough to gain a cult reputation. They are just as distinctive as Pauline Baynes'drawings in the "Narnia" books.

"Crushed" is about teenage angst. Door, a non-identical twin thinks she doesn't fit in with the rest of her eccentric family.

Door and her twin sister Dee are so different, they don't seem like sisters at all. They even have crushes on different pin-ups. Dee is a dainty ballet dancer. Door resembles a beanpole, and is mad about the drums. The twins just about get along, even though they don't have anything in common. But Door looks so different from her sister, that she suspects she's from another planet, or adopted.

“Crushed” is one of those novels, which the entire family should enjoy. It's aimed at 12-14 year olds, but sophisticated 11 year olds will find it funny too.

Frances Lynn knows all about crushes. When she was thirteen, she was mad about Mick Jagger. She wrote him fan letters, and had pictures of him all over her bedroom walls.

'Once in a while you read a book that you wouldn't normally choose, and get blown away. This is what happened to me on reading Crushed. It’s a fairy tale that Grimm would have been proud to have written. Dark things happen in an otherwise familiar world. The tight use of language - the narrator’s voice is as Grimm as the characters - takes us inside the darkness of the children’s minds as they try to cope with their dysfunctional family and their teenage angst. The plot unfolds in an otherwise apparently uncontrolled stream of consciousness, leaving one wondering if the author's words are leading events, or events leading the author. Altogether and assured and fascinating debut novel,' Andrew Palmer,' aged 47.

'The novel is infused with snippets of humour and maintains a continual fast pace. As a result, it is sure to appeal to all young girls who have ever had an insatiable crush, experienced such inconveniences as a sibling, or have been driven by the desire to achieve their dreams. Considering that the majority of young people can relate to these factors, I have no hesitation in recommending this book as a most enjoyable read,' Helen Ralli.

'I'm impressed. I'm clearly not the target audience for this book, but nonetheless I found it very readable. The prose has a simple, almost fairy-tale quality to it and the sibling rivalry is nicely sketched,' Clive Ashenden, horror film director.

Frances Lynn has a distinct style of writing. She is also an incredibly funny writer. Young teenagers girls will be able to identify with "Crushed". Boys will like it too, just to see how a teenage girl's mind works.

People should give “Crushed” to their boss as a present for their children, nephews and nieces. Guaranteed to secure them a pay rise.

“Crushed” would make an ideal gift. It's in hardback only, and is definitely worth its ($ 24.25) price.

From Eiworth Publishing at http://yourbookstore.eiworth.se/