Ieostomy Surgery Expert Says: Painful, Peristomal Hernias Can Actually Be 'A Good Thing'

August 21, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
LOS ANGELES, CA, August 21, 2006 — leostomy surgery expert Dr. Don J. Schiller says painful peristomal hernias can actually be ‘a good thing’ when they present the unexpected opportunity to live life without a bag. “Some patients say it’s like turning lemons into lemonade,” says Schiller.

It is not news that a common complication of ileostomy surgery is a herniated stoma, or peristomal hernia, says Dr. Don J. Schiller of the Ileostomy Surgery Information Center in Los Angeles.

“And, it is not news that these painful hernias often require surgical repair,” says Schiller.

The real news about peristomal hernias, says Schiller, is this: “A little-known ileostomy surgery procedure known as a BCIR not only repairs the herniated stoma but corrects the painful problem in such a way that the patient no longer needs to wear an external appliance. With a BCIR ikleostomy surgery,” says Schiller, “you live a bag-free life.’”

Schiller says BCIR is an abbreviation for a type of ileostomy surgery known as the Barnett continent intestinal reservoir, named for the American doctor who developed the procedure that creates a self-sealing internal pouch that temporarily stores waste yet doesn’t require a person to wear a bag.

Exactly what is a peristomal hernia? Schiller defines the condition as an abnormal opening in the muscles of the abdominal wall.

“A peristomal hernia occurs when the opening that is made in the abdominal muscles for the stoma tears. The natural effects of coughing, sneezing and straining — as well as the pull of gravity, even gravity, gradually causes the opening to increase in size. The result is a painful debilitating condition that requires ileostomy surgery.”

Schiller says there are three ileostomy surgery options for repairing a peristomal hernia:

•Repair the damage at the existing site, often using mesh-like fabric to rejoin the muscles.
•Relocate the stoma to the opposite side of the abdominal wall by performing abdominal surgery.
•Or, most dramatically, says Schiller, “Take down the ileostomy by creating the internal pouch with a BCIR – thereby eliminating the need for an external appliance.”

Repairing a peristomal hernia with a BCIR turns a negative into a positive, says the doctor. "The BCIR approach really gives patients an unexpected new life," he says. “One patient told me life gave him lemons and the BCIR turned the lemons into lemonade.”

Schiller says BCIR patients receive long-term personal care from their doctors. “The patient and physician develop a comfortable relationship. We want patients to ask questions before and after the surgery — and we give further support by staying in touch with the patient's family doctor for years to come.

Insurance approval is not a problem for patients needing BCIR ileostomy surgery, says Schiller.

“The BCIR is a well-known and approved in all surgical procedure code manuals, including Medicare," he says. "Managed care networks engage the services of out-of-network surgeons like myself. While this can take time, my staff has never failed to obtain the authorization. We actively participate in the process.”

For more information on BCIR ileostomy surgery and peristomal hernias, visit or call Don J. Schiller, M.D.,at the Ileostomy Surgery Information Center or call is (310) 204-4565.

Focus: Ileostomy Surgery, Los Angeles Ileostomy Surgeon, BCIR Surgeon