August 28, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
Austin, TX August 30, 2006 — Cold-Laser equipment is already a widely accepted method for assisting smoking cessation. Much research is being done to determine cold lasers effectivness as a method of helping people quit smoking,

In order to assist in this research, one of the countries leading suppliers of cold laser components are offering to provide cold laser technology, without charge, to a qualified US hospital.

Laser-Therapy.US has announced that it is willing to provide a study cold laser components to a qualified US hospital or research facility to enable them to conduct research, using the cold laser to assist people in stopping their smoking habit, with pain relief and/or wound healing. A training manual and DVD, detailing procedures, will also be provided to the hospital. Those qualified hospitals wishing to apply should fax a written request on their letterhead to 480-393-4505 by September 20, 2006.

Cold lasers, also known as low level lasers, have been utilized throughout Europe for decades. While new to the United States, decades of world wide cold laser use have produced few, if any, widely reported side effects to date.

Laser light has been thought to stimulate tissue and aid tissue to heal more rapidly. Many doctors use the comparison of taking a sick plant and putting it out in the sun in describing how they believe laser light helps to heal tissue in the human body. Laser light penetrates the body and is believed to stimulate the metabolic processes in the body.

Cold lasers are low powered and are frequently referred to as "low level lasers". Cold lasers do not significantly heat or damage tissue. They are very different than the cutting lasers used in surgery or hair removal.

Laser components are to be provided by http://www.Laser-Therapy.US a leading provider of cold or "low level" laser components. Licensed health care professionals can obtain cold laser components from Laser-Therapy.US for a fraction of the cost of name brand equipment.

Laser-Therapy.US can be reached at 877-Laser-50 or at http://www.Laser-Therapy.US.