Why Do I Keep Falling in Love With the Wrong People?

February 21, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
The number one question that people ask astrologers, psychics, therapists, and God is ‘When will I find true love?’ Deep down, none of us cherishes the idea of reaching old age without someone there by our side to love us and to care about us. We all want someone who will cheer us on when we are feeling down and someone to notice if we don’t show up. The loneliest feeling in the world is knowing that if you fell off the face of this planet that nobody would really notice or care. Everyone wants to know that somebody really cares about what happens to them. From the days of the caveman, we have hated to sleep alone in the dark. It goes to the depth of the human soul. Studies have proven over and over again that those who are loved live longer happier lives.

Skye Thomas wrote "Why Do I Keep Falling in Love With the Wrong People?" to help those who are struggling with finding the right person. She wanted to give them an edge to help them weed out some of the wrong people and save themselves some heartache. Nobody wants to waste their time repeating the same messed up dating cycle again and again without knowing why it keeps happening.

"Why Do I Keep Falling in Love With the Wrong People?" looks at the bitter truth of why some people like you and others do not. All too often men come away from the dating scene believing that women don’t really want nice guys anymore. They think that bad boys win because women want to be lied to and mistreated. This simply is not true. Bad boys start out charming, romantic, and saying all the perfect things. By the time the women find out that it was yet another wolf in sheep’s clothing, it is too late, they are already in love. Pulling out of a bad relationship is difficult at best when you have such amazing memories of how that person originally swept you off your feet. Meanwhile, women often struggle with trying to figure out if men want them to be wild and crazy party girls, responsible mothers, submissive airheads, or brainiacs capable of running their own companies.

The premise of this book is to help people find other people who want what it is they naturally have to offer. It also helps people to understand that just because some people see a trait as bad, does not mean that everyone will. One group may call you an overly serious workaholic while another group could see your work ethic as a very attractive trait.

Astrology is used as the basis of the groupings. It could just as easily have been written using the Myers-Briggs profiles, Enneagrams profiles, DiSC profiles, or any of the other personality profile typing systems. Skye Thomas chose to use astrology because it is the one that she knows best and most people are already familiar with their own sun signs. It is also a lot easier to find out someone’s zodiac sign than it is to have every potential love interest complete a detailed questionnaire in order to profile them through some of the other systems.

"Why Do I Keep Falling in Love With the Wrong People?" is for those who struggle with trying to find someone who is compatible on a deeper level and for those who continually date the wrong types. For example, you may be attracted to someone sparkly and social, but deep down need someone who is intellectual and dependable. So, you keep dating socialites who have no depth. The flip side is that you date someone who is really smart and career oriented, but they are too introverted and shy when you take them out into more public settings. This book will help you to find the social types who are also intellectuals, thus saving you time and frustration.

Too often people who are on the receiving end of a breakup do not really get concrete answers as to why everyone keeps breaking up with them. The truth is, most people do not want to be mean and tell you that you are too boring, too exciting, too clingy, too independent, too moody, or too emotionally withdrawn for their tastes. This book tells you exactly why most people leave you. It does not mean that you are flawed or a bad person, but that those who leave you are doing so because they see you as less than ideal in their eyes. Others will find those exact same traits as being rare and wonderful. "Why Do I Keep Falling in Love With the Wrong People?" gives people the honesty they cannot often get from their ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends.

Skye Thomas wants people to realize that there is nothing wrong with them and that they simply need to find the kind of person who really loves them just the way they are. Nobody should have to change who they are in order to be loved. Compromise is necessary in most partnerships but you should not have to go without getting your basic needs met and you should not have to do things that you are really uncomfortable doing just to keep a lover interested in you. She wants to teach people how to find someone who is easy to love, and who can easily return the love.

As a freelance writer, Skye Thomas specializes in writing about both of these topics separately. She began studying astrology about 25 years ago and began studying marriage, dating, soulmates, and romance about 12 years ago. Originally, they were completely separate areas of interest with no thoughts towards combining them. At some point, the lines began to blur and she realized that through astrology she could fairly easily predict whether or not a couple was going to have an easy time being together or if they would be challenged with making their love last. Astrology does not tell us who we will fall in love with, but simply how easy or hard it is going to be to make the relationship flow harmoniously.

Skye Thomas has written four books but has only presented three of them to the public. "Beyond the Inner Critic" is about quieting that little nagging voice that tells us we aren’t good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, or talented enough to accomplish our goals and dreams. It helps readers to build self-confidence and self-esteem so that the inner critic loses its power over them. "Voices: Divinity or Insanity?" is about those guardian angels and spirit guides that warn us of impending doom, encourage us to do good deeds, and guide us towards studying spirituality on a deeper more personal level. It helps those who hear those voices to know that they are not alone and they are not crazy. The fourth book is autobiographical and has no estimated release date at this time.

To read Skye's articles on soulmates and romantic relationships, go to www.TomorrowsEdge.net. To read her articles about astrology, go to www.TomorrowsEdge.com. To read about Skye Thomas and her books, go to www.SkyeThomas.com.