Keywords, Automation and Cash…Part 1

September 05, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News

Keyword Companion, Nick Dunin and Richard East release a Keyword Research Video… "Keywords, Automation and Cash" Part 1 of 3 part series.

Part 1 of this 3 part series walks through a high level view of Keyword Research (with the help of MindMaps) and the 4 major quadrants that are rarely outlined in this manner.

The video also points out the "misunderstandings" that are circling the internet, and how to overcome these "misunderstandings" and set your Keyword foundation up to succeed.

Bucharest, Romania - September 1st, 2006 - Richard East of Clausbrick Holdings, SA an SEO/SEM and development firm in Romania has released the second of many reports (this a 37 min. video) it has stated it would release during a pre-launch campaign of their highly anticipated Keyword Companion 2.0 being released on September 12th.

Again, it is Susan and Richard outlining issues…using the power of Camtasia to explore how to perform the necessary Keyword Research for your business/product or project. For certain…this is not the normal "Keyword Research" video…far from it.

Tying in the power of MindMaps and outlining the different facets of the Keyword Research process, Richard will show you exactly…step-by-step actually, what we as marketers need to be concerned with while doing our initial research…and how this affects your overall plan.

During this 37 minute video, Richard will walk you through the 4 main areas to focus on during the Keyword Research process, and with the visual aids provided by the MindMaps, this is an extremely easy process to follow.

However, one thing to note, there is something very critical that Richard points out during this video that most people totally overlook…or really don't even know they need to be paying attention to.

Richard had these specific comments:

"You know…when most people begin doing their Keyword Research, they simply fire up there keyword tool…enter in a word…and begin compiling phrases. Now, while that is great if you are merely building out a list for PPC or Page Generation for your Feeder Site Network, this will never work for your main site or sites. The search engines have become very sophisticated and are becoming more so every day…so if this is your approach…you are going to get totally crushed by marketers that know what is going on."

"The landscape has changed…therefore the tools we use to embrace these changes must change as well. Keyword Companion has been built from the ground up to not only embrace these changes, but has also been built with the necessary "plug-ins" to scale into the new algorithms coming from the Search Engines."

To view the free video go to:

Richard's personal comments:

List of Testimonials:

Launch Date of Keyword Companion v.2.0 is September 12th

Carmen Catacat
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