How to Write a Book on Any Topic You Desire in as Little as 14 Days.

February 28, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
There is a new specially designed program to help you write your book faster than you ever thought possible. In fact, there's information in this free email course that will lead you to write your book in 14 days.

Who hasn't wanted to write a book. The thought of putting that first word to paper or screen possibly scared you away. Maybe you just couldn't get it started, or didn't have the time, or couldn't think of a plot or had writer’s block, or didn't think you had anything important to say, or didn't think you had the writing talent, or had something else that was stopping you?

Writing a book in only 14 days may seem hard to believe, but when Mark Victor Hansen (co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and dozens of other books) saw the information, he not only said it was some of the best stuff he’d ever used, he even asked Steve Manning, the owner of the website, to speak at his next seminar! And Mark is using this information to crank out still more books.

Writing a book is still work but Steve Manning (, author of "How To Write A Book On Anything In 14 Days or Less… Guaranteed!" has developed the writing system to make this work not only enjoyable but fast too.

This stuff is so powerful that folks all around the world, even absolute novices, are using these techniques to write books faster than they ever thought possible. Steve has released a free email course that gets you started FAST! So if writing a book has always been your goal, your dream, your desire, do yourself a favor and enroll in Steve's ecourse today.

To enroll in Steve's free writing ecourse, visit:
