ClydeSight Productions' Abundance Genie Uses Science to Help People Get Wishes Granted.

September 20, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
ClydeSight Productions has released Abundance Genie, a new subliminal messaging program as part of their Brain Wave Stimulating Digital Perception Programs (DSPP) series. It helps people get their wishes granted by activating the power of their unconscious minds.

People make wishes. It's a part of our language. How many times does someone say "I wish that…"? People get wishes granted all the time. Great teachers have spoken of the power of wish fulfillment. "Ask and you shall receive.", "Seek and you shall find." There are many methods for applying these teachings; prayer, new age law of attraction, the power of positive thinking, etc.

Abundance Genie DSPP is a new method using a unique approach among computer driven visual subliminal message programs - that of a solo, dedicated program with an Activator Phrase(TM). Users run the program, make their wish, and watch a silent 15-minute subliminal message session on screen. This stimulates alpha and theta brain waves and focuses the unconscious mind on a particular desire. The process is based on scientific studies that have found the most effective means of delivering motivational subliminal messages.

Tim Thompson, developer of the program, explains: "The unconscious mind is extremely powerful in granting desires - wishes. It's designed to do that. All we are, all we aspire to be, all we accomplish - grows from desire. The application of focus, which Abundance Genie provides, targets a desire so the unconscious knows exactly what to work on. This stimulates inspiration, intuition and imagination, which, if we follow them, go a long way to fulfilling the desire, or granting the wish. It's not magic; it's a natural process we use all the time. The key is the focus that this program supports. It also works with any meditative and visualization process."

The program runs on Windows and Macintosh computers. Users launch the program, see an introduction screen and choose from a list of the 14 most common wishes people make. The program explains how to focus the wish and presents the user with a preview of the subliminal messages built around it. The user then starts a dedicated 15-minute subliminal message session. The screen displays an emotionally neutral, abstract animation. This stimulates the brain to generate alpha and theta brain waves (the relaxation and imagination response). Subliminal messages flash on screen within the focal area of the eye, directly addressing the unconscious mind. Specific subliminal messages deliver the Activator Phrase(TM). The session ends automatically after 15 minutes and users are instructed on how to use the Activator Phrase(TM). Users can start a new session, or exit the program.

15-year Boston area hypnotherapist, John Murray, has guided and advised the development of the program to ensure that it blends the best hypnosis, self-hypnosis and subliminal messaging techniques. As in hypnosis, the subliminal messages are full sentences targeted at the wish, with affirmations such as "Every day I have a greater abundance of Money." or "I attract more and more Success."

In addition, the Abundance Genie web site has a Wish FAQs page that help users understand the Abundance Genie wishing process and use it to best advantage.

Abundance Genie is available on line at the ClydeSight Productions Web site:


ClydeSight Productions are producers of inspiring and entertaining music, multimedia, e-books and Web sites.