Author Rayna Gangi Meets The Press

September 21, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
“Cures is a funny word.” Rayna Gangi, author of “Forget The Cures, Find The Cause,” spoke to reporters from Alabama, Florida, Nevada, and New York, on Wednesday, just prior to the kick-off of her book tour in those states..

“The anagram for cures,” she said, “is curse, and that’s what many people believe is happening to them in our health care system. I don’t agree with Kevin Troudeau’s ethics, but I do agree that something has to be done about health care, including the pharmaceutical and insurance companies.”

America is undergoing a dramatic shift in healthcare. Although the changes are unsettling, and will cause dislocations in our economy, the overall trends are positive and could help us all be healthier and wealthier.

“Doctors will have no choice but to use pieces and parts of alternative medicine in what they do day-to-day with patients, says Gangi. “The customer is always right, as they say, and the customer definitely wants a choice, not a “curse.” We should forget the cures. We need, instead , to focus on the cause. This also helps people to take charge of their own health. When we do the work to find the cause of any illness or disease, the symptoms will disappear, and the cures will be unnecessary.”

Although doctors are increasingly using alternative medicine in their own practice, and hiring alternative practitioners to work in their offices, the independent alternative practitioner will still be the rule, not the exception. There are too many alternative practitioners (massage therapists, chiropractors, yoga instructors, etc.) for doctors to absorb everyone. And people will want a choice. A Western medical experience, or perhaps an alternative medicine experience. Of course the best could be a combination of both.

Gangi says, “Nurses are leading the way. They have a better understanding of the relationship necessary with patients, and are more willing to find the best path to recovery, including less expensive alternative therapies. Health insurance costs will be lowered or reduced, and pharmaceutical companies will no longer be able to make huge profits by exploiting fear.”

“Forget The Cures, Find The Cause,” is being released in hardcover on October 1.