Church pronounces parishioners guilty of practicing their religion!'

March 05, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Stoller ran a highly successful ‘Mission” (Mission – a sort of Franchise style arrangement where a Mission holder has a license granted from the business group of companies Religious Technology Centre and Church of Spiritual Technology which controls the copyrights to many of Ron Hubbard’s works) where people can go for Scientology services. This Mission was so successful, delivering the technology as developed by Ron Hubbard as against the local ailing churches which have been directed by the RTC to deliver the ‘new style’ of services and have henceforth, been in a decline, that the business group hit hard and accused the well known Beverly Hills Mission holder of the crime of actually delivering the services the Founder intended!

“Not only that,” said Michael Moore of the International Freezone Association (IFA), “but this highly valuable person has had to do a gigantic amends project for actually helping people and pay thousands and thousands of dollars to the church for the dubious pleasure of getting back in good graces with the Church Management.” He went on, “This is not a church anymore, this is a McDonalds protecting it’s rights to sell the only hamburger in town – and not a good one at that!”

Many years ago Stoller hooked up with Hollander's Consultants, a business group that uses scientology business technology, who sent all their clients to the Beverly Hills Mission for auditing because they felt that if they sent them to the various scientology churches they would get poor and inferior service by the Church International Management’s ‘Golden Age of Tech auditors. Not only that there was also concern at the after sales methods employed by the church, such as constant harassment of their clients by recruiters, registrars, bookstore officers, surveyors, people forcing public to get tickets for events, and never ending requests for donations for various church activities.
Stoller was so successful and delivered such a high quality service that people would come from miles around, even interstate, to take advantage of the services being delivered. “This evidently annoyed David Miscavige, the Chairman of the Church, so much that he ordered this mission be quashed, regardless of the assistance and help it was giving to hundreds and the detriment to the religion as a whole.

“If that does not point to where the current management of the Church is at, I don’t know what does.” Michael, President of the IFA added. “The Freezone, on the other hand welcomes auditors and the public who simply want the proven services that Ron Hubbard outlined.” He went on, “The International Freezone Association promotes the working philosophy of Ron Hubbard and welcomes Auditors, mission holders and anyone else who is more interested in the philosophy and helping people improve their lives than in suppressing the technology”

“Ron’s Technology and working applied philosophy is flourishing and prospering in the Freezone. If it is a crime to practice one’s religion, then I guess we are also guilty!”

The International Freezone Association is a group of individuals, auditors and groups who believe they should be free to practice the original philosophy of Lafayette Ron Hubbard.
They feel that, since the death of the founder of the movement, the Church of Scientology™ has strayed from the original philosophy and purpose of the group.
As the members of the IFA do not wish to participate in the practice of an altered philosophy they have elected to practice their chosen philosophy independently of the 'official' organisation or church.
This is a revitalization of the original technology of Lafayette Ron Hubbard!
The purposes of the IFA (International Freezone Association) include:
Preserve, protect and promote the exact technology and original workable philosophy of Lafayette Ron Hubbard for future use so it is available for all mankind.
Establish communication and understanding among the members of the IFA and members of other communities.
Promote and sponsor educational activities that alert and teach the general public about the exact technology and original workable philosophy of Lafayette Ron Hubbard.