In The Beginning, There Was The Word Today The Word Gives Us 30 Days Towards Confidence

October 18, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
DALLAS, Texas (October 18, 2006) —- Deborah Pegues believes in keeping God in the mix, a crucial, underlying component in everything she does. And she believes in herself. After writing six books geared toward helping others tap into the confidence to grow through their spirituality, she’s one believer who has learned to walk the talk…And she hopes others will heed the call.
Now a best selling author, Pegues – who holds an MBA in finance – is an experienced Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Always having had a keen interest in human behavior, while working in the financial world Pegues noticed over and over again how personality clashes often led to unresolved conflicts. Her observations – combined with a strong belief that the ability to work through problems is a learned behavior – inspired Pegues to write her first book, Managing Conflict God’s Way. The book guides readers toward coming together, face-to-face, in order to achieve harmony after a conflict.

“Most church people think it is ungodly to confront, believing instead that people ought to simply swallow their anger ‘for peacesake,’” says Pegues, a motivational speaker, behavioral consultant, and Bible teacher. “In various instances, the Bible commands us to take the initiative in confronting conflicts, whether we are the offended or the offender.”

Since Managing Conflict God’s Way, Pegues has written Conquering Insecurity, 30 Days to Taming Your Finances, and 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue, which has sold over 225,000 copies. 30 Days to Taming Your Stress is slated for release in January 2007, and 60 Seconds to Social Savvy will be in bookstores in July 2007.

“30 Days to Taming Your Tongue developed out of my desire to tame my own tongue,” explains Pegues. “While my motivations were always pure and born out of a sincere desire to help, I sometimes did not use discretion, or wait for people to ask for my help.”

Pegues notes that all of our responses are connected to, and determined by, our spiritual foundation. As a behavioral consultant specializing in understanding personality temperaments, Pegues believes the secret of relating to different people lies in understanding that everyone wants the same things in life; happiness, financial security, peace of mind, and meaningful relationships.

The underlying theme in all of her books is the importance of confidence, and how vital it is in every aspect of our lives. Pegues believes that confidence is rooted in knowledge, a deep knowledge that comes in many forms – an understanding of peoples’ motivations, propensities, fears, needs, and – most importantly – knowing the word of God.
“No single issue can be dealt with as an isolated problem; everything we do in our lives is interrelated,” she says. “For example, financial troubles affect us emotionally, physically, and relationally. To deal with them effectively, we must employ Biblical principles of good stewardship. When it comes to confronting issues in relationships, I believe you can tell anybody any thing if you do it the right way, and at the right time. We can expect success when we tap into God’s wisdom.” Deborah Pegues – an African-American author who has been married for over 27 years – delivers spiritual wisdom on gaining relational, financial, and emotional freedom by asking soul–searching questions, and offering scripture-based personal affirmations. Behaviorists suggest it takes 21 to 30 days to develop a habit; Pegues’s 30-Day book series – 30 Days to Taming Your Finances, 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue, 30 Days to Taming Your Stress, 60 Seconds to Social Savvy, Managing Conflict God’s Way, and Conquering Insecurity – examines destructive habits and how to change them. She connects with her readers through humorous and inspirational anecdotes, making her books enjoyable to read, as well as highly informative and life–altering.


Deborah Pegues’s Collection of Works

• Managing Conflict God’s Way – Offering guidelines on how to have an effective confrontation, Pegues’s first book shows readers how to come together, face-to-face, in order to achieve harmony after a conflict.

• Conquering Insecurity – A non–preachy guide incorporating Scriptural principles and promises, this book coaches readers out of habitual self-doubt, and moves them toward developing healthy confidence.

• 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue – In this book, readers learn how to stop saying the wrong things, at the wrong time, in the wrong way. They further discover how to use words as life-giving tools to build others up, while avoiding the pitfalls of lies, complaining, and 28 other negative verbal behaviors.

• 30 Days to Taming Your Finances – Looking beyond the technicalities of money management, readers will learn to savor the freedom that comes from organizing, valuing, and wisely sharing their resources. They are confronted with their emotional spending and will learn to fund future goals with confidence.

• 30 Days to Taming Your Stress – This book is a practical guide for dealing with the pressures of everyday living through setting boundaries, evaluating expectations, respecting others, being honest, striving to do the right thing, and learning not to take one’s self so seriously.

• 60 Seconds to Social Savvy –Written for women and men, the book highlights etiquette essentials that, at a glance, give readers the confidence to handle any social setting includes guidelines on popular past times such as golf etiquette, as well as how to be mannerly in the midst of the dating game.