Codename: Pagoda

March 13, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News

"Codename: Pagoda" a spy story from 1960 in the UK is
now selling on Amazon, Powell', and
on the authors own website for instant download:-

The 'Prologue' to this amazing story is on his website,
and shortly the first 7 chapters are going to be released
for free on a new rss feed to be set up for the purpose,
details will be released on his website soon.

He is also author of "Really Simple RSS" A Guidebook To
Setting Up A Feed, together with technical support and comes
with a bonus e-book:- "Think & Grow Rich" the timeless classic
by Napoleon Hill, which he has made to be re-branded.

The spy story begins in London in 1960 and as things unfold
very rapidly in the spy world, the story quickly moves
over to China with disastrous consequences for the subject
of this story called "Charles Day", and at least one arm
of the intelligence community in Whitehall. A major row breaks
out between the two arms of intelligence with the 'accidental'
killing of one of their operatives who was deep undercover
in a defence contractor in the UK. The one arm was telling
the other in no uncertain terms to "Keep off the grass!"
"Stop meddling into our affairs."

The intelligence story precedes the Chinese government
making an atomic bomb and detonating it for all the world
to see in 1964, but was there an earlier 'accidental'
explosion in the northern regions of China much earlier
than this as is detailed in the story? What lead up
to this catastrophic event that the Chinese government,
led then by Chairman Mao, to deny it had taken place at all?
Even the Soviets knew it had taken place, which heightened
tensions between the two communist states, and the Soviets sent
their army to the southern borders with China in readiness
for an attack.

The attack of course did not come, but to the Soviets
under Krushchev, it would have been of no surprise,
for the Soviets had denied the Chinese any details to be able
to make their own bomb, this led to animosity by the Chinese,
relations quickly had turned sour between the two idealogically
aligned countries. The Chinese then turned to other means
to get all the details, and equipment.

This is about where the story "Codename:Pagoda" begins, and
relates a fascinating insight into the murky world of espionage.

"Codename: Pagoda" by Tony Dean
Price $4.95 on Amazon.

Well recommended!