New Service Makes Disability Insurance Easy for Physicians and Dentists

November 03, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
Laguna Hills, CA – For the busy physician, purchasing disability insurance can be a challenge. Hundreds of insurance companies offer a wide range of coverage and prices. Doctor Disability Insurance can sift through all this information and help physicians choose policies that are tailored to their specific needs. Doctor Disability provides a unique and valuable service for physicians and dentists looking to purchase disability insurance and protect their most valuable financial asset – their ability to earn an income.

The agents at Doctor Disability are specialists in disability insurance. Members of the staff are Certified Financial Planners and experts in their field. While many other financial planning firms try to be all things to all people, Doctor Disability has taken a different approach; since 1993, their primary focus has been providing disability insurance to physicians and dentists.

According to company founder Chuck Krugh, “Our clients are busy professionals who want to know what their options are and how they can quickly solve their problems – we provide everything they need in an easy to understand format so they can make a smart decision. We ensure the best plan is obtained in the least amount of time by providing a simple, side-by-side comparison of the three or four insurance contracts that are most appropriate based on specialty, age, and gender.”

Because Doctor Disability is a brokerage, they represent most of the insurance companies that have disability contracts favorable to physicians and dentists. By presenting all available plans, they are a one stop, unbiased resource to a physician trying to understand his or her options. With one phone call, a physician can obtain all of the information necessary to make an informed decision about disability insurance.

Doctor Disability is the best choice for a physician looking for disability insurance. They offer members of the medical community unbiased advice, expert knowledge, and specialized products, combined with old-fashioned customer service.

For more information or to obtain a quote, visit: or
Contact: Chuck Krugh 866-899-7318 ext: 600