Revolutionise your business with NLP!

November 04, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
NLP or “Neuro-Linguistic Programming” is quite simply the attitude, methodology, and technology of running your own brain for a change. The result can be spectacular personal improvement as seen on the Paul McKenna Sky TV programme, “I Can Change Your Life” shown earlier this year.

The brand new training programme Michael J. Edwards developed has a raft of brand-new NLP techniques to revolutionise the way you and your people do business.

The result is a much more motivated, more enthusiastic, more productive, and smiling workforce! According to Michael J. Edwards, your customers will notice the difference immediately. He commented, “for any business who is selling anything or offering a service, I’m confident this training will be that helping hand they need to step up to the next level”.

When an organisation contacts Michael for training, a whole chain of events clicks into action.

Michael firstly makes a visit to assess the needs of the organisation, and then he arranges an initial planning workshop with management to design the programme around their needs.

He then meets with key staff to get their personal suggestions and begins painting a clear picture of the way forward.

Following a feedback meeting with management, Michael delivers the Winners at Work training event to either the relevant employees or the entire workforce at a suitable setting.

Winners at Work is all about celebrating successes and taking useful strategies into the future.

Businesses and organisations benefit from detailed evaluations and insight whilst employees and staff benefit from exciting interactive training where they engage actively in learning useful strategies and techniques directly relevant to their situation.

NLP is very useful for improving communication skills for call centre staff, helping sales people to read body language much more precisely, with customer service staff who want to understand customers needs better, and for improving the self-esteem and well-being of a workforce generally.

Michael J. Edwards guarantees that the Winners at Work training programme will pay for itself quickly by reducing absenteeism, improving staff retention, boosting employee morale and efficiency, and encouraging more repeat business because customers will feel happier doing business with staff who understand and respond to their specific requirements.

Free downloadable “Winners at Work” brochures, as well as a Relationship Cycle poster, are available from the Winner Training website at

Employers who want to book a needs assessment should call Michael J. Edwards free on 0800 043 6987 or Nottingham 0115 9400 899.

Contact: Michael J. Edwards at

Winner Training
21 Hartington Avenue
NG4 3NR.