Prepare in Advance for Disaster with an Emergency Food Storage Supply

November 06, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
Salt Lake City, Utah — Food storage for disasters and emergencies can be obtained inexpensively without adding to an already tight family food budget, according to a web site that offers disaster and emergency food storage help.

"When a major disaster or emergency strikes, it is important that a family be prepared with food and other supplies for more than just 72 hours. We have learned from sad experience that it may take more than 72 hours before evacuations begin. We have also learned that evacuation shelters may not have supplies for all the people who go there," explained Jeff Augason of

The Red Cross and other agencies now recommend that families have a disaster supply kit ready with their own food that can be taken to an evacuation shelter if needed. The easiest way to be prepared for a disaster is to have a good supply of all the foods a family normally eats on hand at all times.

"You can actually save money when you use an emergency food storage supply for your normal daily food preparations. When you buy in bulk you can get food for a lot less, which means your overall food budget should go down when you eat from your food storage and replenish the supply each month," explained Augason.

Past disasters have illustrated the need to have plenty of supplies stored at home. It may be days before evacuations take place, and if large numbers of people are evacuated there might not be enough food at the shelters. The solution is for people to be self-sufficient, according to Augason.

"Most of the complaints from the hurricane Katrina evacuees centered around the long delay before they were evacuated, and the lack of food and supplies at the shelters. We need to prepare in advance so that if disaster strikes we will not be waiting in long lines of angry people for the government to feed us," said Augason.

Augason's company, Blue Chip Group, Inc., provides all types of inexpensive bulk storage foods, with packaging and containers to protect it so it will be ready when needed. The company offers a web site filled with information and help on food storage ideas at

About Blue Chip Group, Inc.
Founded in 1972 by Phil Augason, Blue Chip Group, Inc. is a family-owned business that provides high quality storage foods in bulk quantities to save money, and help customers prepare for troubled times. The company has grown into a thriving enterprise with 15 employees and a growing customer base throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Saudi Arabia, Africa, and more.

Press Contact:
Jeff Augason
801-263-6667 x24

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