Dr. Pam Chubbuck’s latest book about menarche and coming of age, Passages Into Womanhood: Empowering Girls to Love Themselves, is an international success!

November 12, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
Upon receiving “Passages”, Lynn in Santa Fe wrote, “I opened your new book, Passages into Womanhood: Empowering Girls to Love Themselves, and I felt your energy reach out and hug me, as if you have imprinted yourself (I suppose you have!) in the pages themselves. The loving embrace I felt, as I was scanning the table of contents, wishing, of course, that something like this had been around when I was younger, touched me on a level I did not expect. I cried tears of many emotions for the next several minutes. I have never had an experience like that, from simply looking at the table of contents of a book before. It is abundantly clear to me the love that you hold, and that you have put in this project. I am looking forward to reading it completely. I am in awe already.”

A few days later Lynn wrote: “Dear Pam, I finished reading Passages into Womanhood, and it lived up to my expectations - and I felt like you were holding me the entire time I read it. What a gift. I found it a moving book to read, and already I feel that it has informed how I am with my daughter. Thank you for helping bring this to consciousness. ~Lynn”

With the international interest, www.PassagesIntoWomanhood.com is adjusting its product page to help with international, as well as domestic, sales.

With so many negative cultural influences coming at today’s youth, Pam Chubbuck teaches us a new paradigm, using her wisdom and love, to help us sort through the confusion we sometimes feel. Puberty was a complicated, and all too often, painful experience for many women. Dr. Pam Chubbuck’s book, Passages Into Womanhood: Empowering Girls to Love Themselves shows us how to turn this time in a young woman’s life into a positive, growth-filled and uplifting experience.

Already heralded by many as a groundbreaking exploration of menarche, healthy human sexuality, an analysis of how religion impacts girls, and the self empowerment of girls and women, Passages Into Womanhood: Empowering Girls to Love Themselves leaves the reader feeling optimistic and energized. Along with Pam Chubbuck’s hopeful message, is an actual plan for moving through puberty with grace and ease, while supporting girls to find themselves, be themselves and to love who they are. Here is what others are saying about this book:

"Passages into Womanhood is a blueprint for welcoming girls into their womanhood with maximum access to their inner wisdom." - Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Mother-Daughter Wisdom (Bantam 2005), The Wisdom of Menopause (Bantam, 2001), and Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom (Bantam, 1989)

"Passages into Womanhood is written by a wise woman sharing her knowledge to help empower girls and women. This book portrays positive and enlightening stories that create an exciting picture for a girl on her path to womanhood." - Joan Morais, author of A Time to Celebrate: A Celebration of a Girl’s First Menstrual Period

"This lovely book masterfully bridges the gap between biology, spirituality, and psychology. Pamela Chubbuck is a renaissance woman who has crafted a wonderful book. I wish 'Passages' was available to my mother and me as an adolescent." - Michelle A. Manting, MD; Director of Medical Student Education, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Holistic Women's Health Specialist, Medical College of Georgia

The accompanying website to this book, located at www.PassagesIntoWomanhood.com, offers valuable resources, including a blog, for those wishing to have further discussions of the materials discussed in Passages into Womanhood: Empowering Girls to Love Themselves. Pam can be reached through this website or by e-mail at Pam@PassagesIntoWomanhood.com. Currently an internationally known psychotherapist with over 30 years of experience, Pam is dedicated to empowering all women to live the beauty of their true selves and love who they are.