Out of the Closet: Minister's daughter reveals How to Shut Down Verbal Abuse in her newly released E-book.

November 22, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Dr. Yukio Strachan Phillips a speaker, survivor of domestic abuse, and founder of BoldandWorthy.com has released a Powerful ebook for women who are victims of Verbal Abuse called "I Will Not Be Broken" How to Shut Down Verbal Abuse and Bring Out Your Inner Diva. The ebook is available as of today November 20th 2006.

Dr. Yukio Strachan Phillips never saw it coming.
She had a great education and professional success.
But when she experienced a
verbally abusive Christian Marriage,
she was devastated-
and within 3 years of marriage
she faced the shame of divorce.

"I thought abuse wouldn't happen in a Christian marriage.
"But", lamented Dr Strachan, "I never
imagined the amount of damage enduring abuse
causes to your self esteem and sense of hope.
Within a few years, my life was turned upside
down in torment and chaos ."

A recent study done by Dr. Lynne Baker
from the University of Queensland
showed that Christian women were forced
to endure abuse for years because
they were told leaving their
husbands by divorce would be a greater sin.

Women in the study revealed
that a greater understanding
and awareness of abuse is
necessary in Church communities.

But this new E-book "I will not be Broken"
How to Shut down Verbal Abuse and
Bring Out Your Inner Diva,
is on a mission to help emotional abuse
victims break free from their situations .

The author shares powerful techniques
and intimate details from her experience
that will help others escape from the emotional hell
caused by abuse.
She also offers a free 15 minute coaching consultation
with purchase of the book.
It will be designed to answer questions
the reader may have in
starting their own journey
to emotional abuse freedom.

According to Dr. Mike Davison, Clinical Psychologist
and founder of www.PartnersInPurpose.com
"Yukio has provided an invaluable resource
for anyone looking to transcend fear and limitation.
I have provided consultation to domestic violence
programs for the past 10 years and
find Yukio's book to be truly unique and powerful .
She models what is possible for anyone
who feels shackled by fear, terror, or limited by abuse
or feels restricted or disempowered by their current circumstances"

To read sample chapters and more information on how to purchase "I will not be Broken" How to Shut Verbal Abuse and Bring Out Your Inner Diva, visit http://ebooks.faithwriters.com in the marriage category. Also available at http://www.boldandworthy.com.
The author is now accepting dates for speaking engagements in 2007.
