Surgeon And Magazine Writer Co-Author A Book On Samoan Traditional Art Forms

December 10, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
A brief historical document of Samoan history links up to a finely detailed account of the production methods of Samoa’s indigenous arts, whose importance goes beyond the cultural and into national identity.

A medical doctor and doctor of philosophy collaborates with a magazine writer in putting together a comprehensive book on the decorative and carving arts of Samoa, that have survived for centuries despite the influx of foreign influences. Characterized by natural purity and durability, the land’s decorative materials and carvings, are directly connected to the people’s mythology – a wonderful mix of poetry and practical products.

Dr. Shiraz I. Mishra’s travels throughout the Pacific and close contact with local inhabitants have provided him with a rich trove of knowledge of their history and culture. He is assisted in the production of this book by veteran features writer Daniel Pouesi.

The material they come up with is a huge help in perpetuating and promoting Samoa’s cultural heritage against the modern challenges of homogenization.

About the Authors

Shiraz I. Mishra, MBBS, PhD, collaborates with feature writer Daniel Pouesi in a book that elaborates on the cultural importance of Samoa’s traditional decorative and carving arts. Mishra’s extensive travels and research on Polynesian and Micronesian cultures make him highly qualified to do this book, whose aim is to preserve indigenous art forms. He was educated in India and the United States. He makes his residence in Baltimore, MD with his wife.

Daniel Pouesi has written for American national magazines and operates KIN Publications. He lives in Carson, California with his wife and three children.

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