SolStar shopping directory relaunches with help from

December 09, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News, the online shopping and services directory, owned by SolOrbital, Ltd. recently relaunched after an enforced absence, which began when their server was shut down due to technical difficulties within the service provider's hosting company, forcing them to move their websites to a different server.

And though they have now bounced back into action the story could have been one of a company's flagship business being irreparably crippled, as the server shut down left them without several vital files which were required to restore the back up and the near 400,000 page directory. In fact it was only through the gallant help and programming skills of the people at their software provider, Focal Media, which enabled to return at all.

We spoke to one of the directors of the SolOrbital, Ltd. company, who is also the website programmer and SEO specialist for the company, and he had this to say about the folks at FocalMedia.Net. "Good software can be hard to come by, especially at bargain basement prices, and support for such low priced software usually is non existant, as one would normally expect. This is not so with Focal Media. These folks take great pride in their software products and their great, after sales service." He also stated that his company would like to publically thank Focal Media for their hard work and expertise.

Those who are looking for useful internet applications to bring their web site to life, should look for a software provider who has a good track record for giving good follow-up support and service. No company website is immune to technical problems and other glitches that could take their site offline. It is always good to know that, should a problem arise and the website should need to be moved, there are folks out there who will lend a hand with the reinstallation of the software, the way the folks at Focal Media did.

Perhaps, other software companies will choose to adopt this same attitude of 'service after the sale'. We're hoping this will become the new trend for the year 2007.