December 15, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News

(Lacey, WA) — Are you completely out of ideas for the perfect gift this holiday season? The International Coach Federation and Deborah Baker-Receniello) of DBR Business Coach & Consultant in Lacey, WA have an idea for the perfect gift that will make a long-lasting impact on the lives of your family and loved ones. This year, give the gift of coaching.

Professional personal and business coaching is one of the fastest growing professions in the world. Coaching is partnering with clients in a creative and thought-provoking dialogue that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Deborah has been coaching three years in Lacey. She works with Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Professionals design, grow or turn around any business. "Thousands of people benefit annually as they learn about coaching and use it to work through anything that is causing a roadblock in their personal or professional lives. Coaching is being widely used by everyone from executives to stay-at-home moms to retirees looking to start a new career."

Examples of coaching include:
· Helping an individual re-discover his/her sense of purpose, successfully change careers, and find far more balance and meaning in life.
· Helping an independent professional find the quickest and most natural path to establishing a successful professional practice.
· Helping an entrepreneur increase revenues by 300%, manage more effectively, and find the time to enjoy her success.
· Helping a senior executive develop higher levels of emotional intelligence, deal with rapid change, lead more effectively, and achieve breakthrough results with his team.
People often hire a coach when they are starting a new business, making a career transition, re-evaluating life choices, or simply feeling ready for a personal or professional breakthrough. “Those who are beginning to feel like they need a coach should ask themselves: Do I have a goal? Do I feel stuck with no direction? Am I ready to take action?” said Baker-Receniello.

As small Business Coach, we create a powerful alliance designed to support you in excellence empowering you to be more effective . It is a professional relationship that enhances your Building your Foundation, Steps to a Better Business, Lead Generation, Sales Made Simple, Converting Leads, Developing and keeping teams, and Product Development. You will create great results in your business AND you end up with an entrepreneurial education second to none and the knowledge that you can repeat your success over and over again .

Deborah’s distinctive edge is unique background as an entrepreneur selling my own professional services and 20 years' experience in counseling and management. In addition, for the last several years, she has created, marketed , and sold information products based on my areas of expertise. I enjoy sharing expertise and experience with clients while brainstorming unique ways to reach their target audience and maximize their business.

Deborah Baker-Receniello is CEO of DBR Life Strategies & Business Coach, Inc . A noted speaker, author, trainer and certified coach and a member of ICF.
Deborah co-authored a best seller, 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol 2
with Bob Proctor, John Gray, Jack Canfield, et al,
Author of Why It Works! The Science Behind Manifesting Everything You Desire and
Play a Bigger Game! Proven Strategies to Design and grow Your Successful Small
Business Dec, 2006. Get your complimentary copy of DBR Business Mastery Newsletter

Deborah Baker-Receniello
360 412 5196