Barks Serves as Contributing Author to Media Training Guide

January 03, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
Lifelong learning is too often ignored, even by experienced media trainers. So argues Ed Barks in a think piece he contributed to the Media Training Guidebook 2006/2007 edition published by PRNews Press.

“Communications pros throughout the nation and the world will use this resource as a first-line media training reference,” said Barks, an author and President of Barks Communications. “I am pleased to be able to call their attention to the disturbing lack of emphasis on lifelong learning and to provide a road map that demonstrates how to create a practical lifelong learning plan.”

Barks’ contribution to the Media Training Guidebook is titled, “Fostering Lifelong Learning: Are You Guilty of Media Training Malpractice?”

Said the media training expert, “Lifelong learning is an integral part of each workshop we lead. In fact, executives who learn with us leave their sessions with ‘homework assignments’ designed to foster ongoing learning.”

Barks begins his contribution by writing, “Media training doesn’t work—at least as practiced by many organizations,” adding, “media training done right requires a sustained approach to continuing communications education.”

After setting forth concrete steps designed to lead to improvement, he writes, “The path to lifelong learning should be an exciting journey. It gives corporate, association, and non-profit executives the opportunity to shine in areas where they excel. And it empowers them with new strategies that can help them overcome, in the long run, their communications challenges.”

The book’s publisher, Diane Schwartz, writes in her Publisher’s Letter to readers, “We asked the top media trainers and PR professionals to share their secrets and tips for communicating to the media in situations you’re likely to face again in your career.” She calls the book a “lesson plan for improving your skills before the media and training your key executives to be media-ready.”

Ed Barks is a trainer, author, and speaker who teaches today’s leaders how to deliver dynamic, message-packed presentations and how to work with the media. He has served as President of Barks Communications since its inception in 1997, guiding more than 2900 business leaders, government officials, non-profit leaders, physicians, athletes, association executives, entertainers, and public relations staff toward a sharper message and enhanced communications skills.
