Using Hypnosis to Find Kindness Outside and Within

January 01, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
Using Hypnosis to Find Kindness Outside and Within

January 4th, 2007 is the third annual World Hypnotism Day. N*tranced Hypnosis and Guided Meditation invites you to enjoy the day in a more peaceful and kind world, with relaxation and a free self-hypnosis audio.

World Hypnotism Day is a time when professionals in the field of hypnotism from various organizations around the world will be sharing their expertise promoting the truths and benefits of hypnotism. On the Web, Maryville, Tennessee’s N*tranced Hypnosis and Guided Meditation is one such participant. Their certified hypnotist (through the National Guild of Hypnotist), L.S. King offers two different ways to celebrate this day.

For those in the online community, she offers a free self-hypnosis audio download called Kindness Outside and Within. This audio provides listeners with relaxation, identifies acts of kindness that may have been overlooked to heal and refresh listeners, as well as providing suggestions for a kinder outlook, making life’s struggles easier to bear. This can only be downloaded for FREE on Thursday, January 4 at

For those who are locale to East Tennessee, there will be an evening RELAXation Session on January 4. RELAXation sessions utilize relaxation techniques and focus on removing stress. This will be at 6:00 pm. The cost is $5 per person and you must register by January 3. All participants will receive a free CD of Kindness Outside and Within.

L.S. King is a hypnotist and owner of N*tranced Hypnosis and Guided Meditation. To learn more about hypnosis or to register for the RELAXation Session, please contact her at 865.406.1135, at or visit her website at, where you can also download the free audio on January 4.