This week's issue of Dream of the Week: Groundhog Day -Life Imitates Dreams-

February 03, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
This week's issue of Dream of the Week ( takes a probing look at the movie Groundhog Day. Berkeley Dream analyst David Jenkins, PhD, examines the movie and shows how similar it is to the way a recurring dream gets resolved.

Dealing With Recurring Dreams
The first step is knowing that you have a theme in your dream life. In Groundhog Day, the problem is made very literal and obvious – Murray relives the same day. Dreams are more obscure. Even when you are dealing with the same issue over and over, each dream can appear to be unique.

You might dream on one night that a bridge has been washed away in a flood; another night, the car in front of yours has stopped, and on a third night you are waiting for a traffic light to change. All can be seen as dreams about impasses even though each particular impasse is different.


Dream of the Week is a weekly eColumn in which David Jenkins offers his entertaining insights and explanations of dream work.

Jenkins, who offers dream groups in Berkeley and Oakland, Ca, offers ways to work with recurring dreams. He can be reached at