Keesing’s World News Archive: History 2.0 has arrived

March 01, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
At the Annual Conference of the International Studies Association, held this week in Chicago, Keesing’s announced the launch of the Keesing’s World News Archive. 76 years' worth of exhaustive news monitoring, careful fact-checking and meticulous writing have been integrated with the latest search and collaboration technologies on Now everyone interested in history and politics, whether in universities, governments, and think tanks or at home can collaborate to connect the people, places, and events of the last seven and half decades of world history. ‘History 2.0’ has arrived and it’s called Keesing’s World News Archive.

Keesing’s World News Archive provides an accurate and comprehensive view of events and their myriad connections through history. The new online tool, based on Squiz’s MySource Matrix open source Content Management System (see:, uses content tags to link together articles on common themes, featuring particular individuals, or concerning specific countries.

Researchers can also add their own tags and share these with other users, or save and annotate articles in private portfolios. These connecting tags form the spine of the new site. They allow users to conduct precision searches, establish new associations between facts, and explore the connecting threads that run through a century’s history.

In short, Keesing’s World News Archive creates a new value system for historical research. Users can wire and rewire the connections between historical facts according to their own research paradigms. In ‘History 2.0’, the creation of historical narratives is no longer the preserve of books and linear concepts - users of Keesing’s World News Archive can now make new connections and share their findings with the world.

Full access to Keesing’s World News Archive is available for individuals and institutions, from US$7.95. The site, at, also features free content and search facilities. For further details, including for institutional subscription pricing, contact the customer service department: | 301-718-8770 |

About Keesing’s

Keesing’s have been publishing since 1931. Their flagship publication, Keesing’s Record of World Events, formerly Keesing’s Contemporary Archives, offers a monthly digest of news developments in every country in the world. Each month news on political, social, and economic events of international importance is collected, collated, and categorized in their Cambridge UK office. Regional experts then sift and distill this data, writing concise, comprehensive reports on the critical developments in every country in the world. Their work constitutes a 76-year archive, totalling nearly 100,000 contemporaneously-written articles, each linked to earlier and related coverage. Thousands of academic, government, and policy bodies rely on Keesing’s for comprehensive, impartial information and news, and the journal is a mainstay of the top libraries and research institutions worldwide.
Contact: Jonathan Hixon, Keesing’s Worldwide, +1(301) 718-8770, +1(301) 718- 8494,,

About Squiz and MySource Matrix

Squiz's open source CMS, MySource Matrix, helps leading organisations such as the UK's NHS and the Australian Federal Government to manage their content more efficiently and cost-effectively. It also helps top brands such as Future Publishing and Warner Music to sell more content and products to more customers via the web. Squiz is a privately owned company, founded in Sydney, Australia in 1998. Squiz has an international network of offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Hobart and London that provide a local service to hundreds of clients across a broad spectrum of industries.
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