The Summoner Climbs Fiction Charts, Goes to Second Printing

March 08, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
CHARLOTTE, NC— The Summoner, a new fantasy adventure novel from Solaris Books, is climbing the fantasy charts on both sides of the Atlantic. The Summoner: Book One in The Chronicles of the Necromancer, was released in Europe in late January and in the U.S. in early February.

In just three weeks, first printing stock was depleted and Solaris Books triggered a second printing. The first printing quantity was initially expected to last six months.

UK-based bookseller Waterstone’s reported that The Summoner sold a brisk 1,000 copies in the first ten days on bookshelves, and U.S. sales are tracking well. The book is rising on fantasy fiction charts, and independent bookseller newsletter Book Sense chose The Summoner to feature in its white box section.

Martin will be the guest of publisher Solaris Books at the Book Expo of America in New York City in June. Her East Coast book tour kicks off in Charlotte in March. She has received kudos from readers in England, France and the U.S., and has seen the book picked up by sites in the UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, Sweden, New Zealand, Austria, Australia, Norway and Italy.

Book Two in the fantasy adventure series, The Summoner Returns, is scheduled for a January, 2008 release.

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