Panic Attack And Anxiety Cure – The Linden Method

April 26, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
OCD is the name given to the condition that causes conscious or sub-conscious thought processes to control your actions compulsively. These actions are said to be obsessive because they usually involve a normal action that is repeated over and over again forming what is described as a ritual.

These compulsions commonly include rituals such as compulsive hand washing, counting, checking, (that you have not left the gas on, for example), cleaning and other exaggerations of normal activities. These compulsive rituals can seriously and quite destructively interfere with normal life and can sometimes be accompanied with other anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia and panic disorder. Learn more

The usual anxiety cure is therapy based. When the patient understands that their actions are irrational, they can use the therapy exercises to retrain themselves to react more appropriately and eventually to re-learn normal behavior.

The success of therapy based treatment is dependent on the psychologists ability and your willingness to practice the therapeutic exercises that you are prescribed.

Using the diversion tactics in The Linden Method program, it is possible to eliminate these compulsions from your life. The secret of ridding yourself of anxiety disorders or panic attacks is to learn to divert your mind away from inappropriate rituals in order to replace them with more appropriate ‘normal’ habits.

The Linden method does this quickly and permanently without the need for expensive therapy, drugs or disturbing psychological exercises. It is a safe, effective anxiety cure.

For more information on this anxiety cure visit: