'Meant to be Seen' (MTBS) Achieves MAJOR Milestone!

March 24, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
TORONTO, March 24, 2007 — In less than three weeks, and with the help of word of mouth alone, "Meant to be Seen" (MTBS), a new Stereoscopic 3D advocacy, certification, and discount organization, has successfully registered well over a hundred members! Stereoscopic 3D (S-3D) solutions offer visible depth through two-dimensional media. They add an intense immersion and thrill to videogames that is hard to achieve otherwise. Examples include munitions flying outside the screen, explosions that really EXPLODE, and characters that seem to reach out and touch the player.

"If a game does not work in (stereoscopic) 3D it is useless to me. What I find so great about 3D is it makes just about all games, old and new, look awesome. I gave up 2D gaming years ago with the discovery of REAL 3D technologies," said Grant Star, an MTBS member from Steubenville, Ohio, and a long time S-3D player.

Independently run and non-proprietary, MTBS represents the interests of end consumers and providers of stereoscopic 3D solutions including LCD shutter glasses, Polarized Monitors, Auto-Stereoscopic Monitors, Head Mounted Displays (HMD), Stereoscopic Projection Systems, and future technologies in the field.

"Now that we have hit over a hundred members, our next step is to hit 500," exclaimed Neil Schneider.
"To take it up a notch, we are launching a new discount program. Membership is completely free, and all registrants who bring in at least five new subscribers to the website through our friend-to-friend email referral network will get over $200 off the pre-ordered purchase of an iZ3D 22" monitor! That's over DOUBLE the discount members qualify for when they first join the site."

To aid game purchasers in making informed buying decisions, MTBS puts videogames through a rigorous testing process and certifies them with a Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum achievement level. Games that can't run reasonably well are not rated at all.
"The people who buy these Stereoscopic 3D systems easily spend thousands of dollars on their computer for playing videogames. If they are going to spend $50 a game, they need to know which games will work before they open the box," explained Neil Schneider, President and CEO of "Meant to be Seen".
"We have certified nearly twenty games from various manufacturers, and we have barely scratched the surface!"
"Meant to be Seen" wants to help consumers by making certification results available to developers, and recommends that buyers look for the "Meant to be Seen" certification logo on the game box and the individual game website, as this is the only way to know for sure that it will safely work with a stereoscopic 3D setup before buying. A remaining option is to review the standings at mtbs3D.com.

"MTBS is taking an excellent approach to support the gaming community. I really think that it will have an impact in the gaming industry, and will result in improved perception from gamers and Stereo 3D addicts like me," exclaimed Markus Selchow, an avid MTBS member from Hamburg, Germany.

To celebrate their first membership milestone, MTBS is offering exclusive complementary game servers for members. The first ranked game server has been founded, and more games will follow. A password protected Ventrilo server for MTBS members has also been launched.
"Meant to be Seen is all about bringing our members value. Whether it's a deep discount on an upcoming product, or an exclusive low ping password protected game server, we are all about benefits. The best part is membership is completely free - so there's no excuse for being left out of the loop," Schneider said.

MTBS and its certification bring benefits to game developers as well: "The release of our MTBS Stereoscopic 3D Programming Guide has been a tremendous success. At this year's Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, nearly a thousand programmers got their guide in person. Furthermore, in our certification standings, we have made recommendations to game developers on how to patch their games to make them even MORE Stereoscopic 3D compatible," Schneider explained.

iZ3D LLC, the makers of the upcoming 22" Stereoscopic 3D monitor due for release in May, is the first S-3D hardware manufacturer to sponsor MTBS with an unrestricted education grant.

"When Neil approached us with this sponsorship opportunity, we immediately saw the benefits for everyone involved. However, it's the consumers and developers that matter most, and MTBS has continued to perform above everyone's expectations. MTBS delivers credibility, workmanship, and gamer value. It hasn't even been a month since launch, and so much has been accomplished! As confident as we were with the industry's future before, widespread adoption of these technologies is now secure,"said David Chechelashvili, VP of Marketing for iZ3D.

New advisory board members are also being interviewed for participation opportunities, and interested parties can apply through the "Meant to be Seen" website.

To learn more about MTBS, please visit http://www.mtbs3d.com or contact:
Mr. Neil Schneider, President and CEO
Meant to be Seen
Tel. (416) 240-1679
Email neils@mtbs3d.com

To learn more about iZ3D, please visit http://www.iZ3D.com or contact:
Carol Warren
Antarra Communications
(714) 891-3660

(C) 2007 Neil Schneider Productions Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.