Family Friendly Training for Portage Adoptive and Foster Families

April 04, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
(Ravenna) Portage County Department of Job and Family Services Portage Initiative, (Portage County DJFS) invites foster and adoptive parents to three training opportunities. Each session will be led by independent training specialist Cindy Wallis, M.A., C.F.L.E., an adoption consultant from Ravenna. Cindy Wallis says, “We just finished a helpful session about reasons children experience a crisis. These education sessions are built to enhance parental knowledge and make it applicable to parents of kids with all kinds of needs. Parents in all phases of the adoption or foster care process can benefit.”

On Thursday, April 5 the topic will be “Play with a Purpose,” a session about the developmental importance of children’s play activities. The training will be from 6 until 9 pm at Wingate Inn, 9705 State Route 14, in Streetsboro.

The next training is “Standing in the Gap: Becoming an Effective Advocate for Your Foster or Adopted Child.” It will be on Wednesday, May 23 from 5:30 until 8:30 pm at Reed Memorial Library, 167 East Main Street, Ravenna.

The last session of the training series will be on the topic, “Developmental Delays” back at Reed Memorial Library. The class will be held on Thursday, June 14 from 5:30 until 8:30.

Northeast Ohio Adoption Services will help facilitate each training session. Food, childcare, and children’s activities are available for participants who call in advance at 1-800-686-6627, ext. 126. There is no fee for these trainings, but please call to get details and reserve your place. Each training is worth three hours toward the annual foster parent training requirement.